Cruise PV ChrisR dukan journey

Some shopping days are like that - with me it's usually I want to buy everything in the shop or else I can't get excited about anything/nothing fits/looks right. Feast or famine!

Never mind another day and given the price of good stuff, best to chose when you are in conso stable state ( says she, who kept falling even in conso for a bit!) but I did go through 3 pairs of grey work suit trousers from m&s - one in 18, one in 16 and finally one in 14 before it settled. Well the safety pin was doing overtime, lol!
Im sorted for work although my new next 14s trousers x 2 are now big on me around the rear end. I bought some Next linen pants in 14s for summer but I think they are going to be too big - linen gives when worn so ......... dont know what to do really, I dont want to risk looking like Victor Meldrew's Turtle!!! My daughter laughs at me when I mention it too her. She said if I want to lose another 9lb then I should go for it. I did the true weight thingy again and it came up with 11st 4lb so perhaps I should try for it. HELP!

Hope it deoesnt snow too much really want to see my friend tomorrow fingers crossed it wont be too bad.
when your just having a quick browse that you come back with loads including the kitchen sink!! Mr R around for a nice walk - weather is perfect for wrapping up and taking a brisk hike!!! x
Thank you Trudy I will keep looking I've still got the money so .............. Ive had better luck on ebay.
I went to Manchester thinking I would see a range of different clothes than in my home town but it was all exactly the same. Yeh some lovely clothes in Selfridges and John Lewis but not in my price league. Another problem I'm finding is I need to replace so many clothes I dont want to spend a fortune on one item. Even though I havent much choice hanging in my wardrobe now I cannot wait to get summer stuff out thats stored in the loft and see how big they are for me. My friends at work and Ebay fans are going to be happy.
Wonder when I should put them on Ebay a tad too cold for linen!

A walk will be lovely with MrR

Keep warm my friends x
Forgot to say - on a positive note I did go in changing rooms and try clothes on without getting all hot and bothered and upset (been known to cry in a Next changing room) so not all bad - my daughter said she was proud of me - ah x
That's an achievement in itself, lol I never try clothes on on shops :( I like primark for everyday stuff, get loads for your money then can afford to buy a couple of nicer items
That's an achievement in itself, lol I never try clothes on on shops :( I like primark for everyday stuff, get loads for your money then can afford to buy a couple of nicer items

Some things are OK from Primark e.g. socks
but not for someone with daddy long legs and monkey arms :eek: x
Did you try any things in Gap? They are quite good at "between sizes" and I can remember getting a pair of trousers there years ago that were a perfect size 13:D
The lunch sounds lovely, as does your daughter's company. My eldest is going to Uni this summer but will be staying at home, which I'm pleased about. Girls can be hell in their early teens but I think after that the relationship can be amazing. And they are brutally honest with their Mums so you know that if your daughter likes you in something, you must look good :D
Yes your right CD - My daughter and son are very precious to me - we have different relationships with each other but each very special.

Just ordered my flavourings still no coconut - but ordered caramel, nougat & hazelnut and free goji berries. Bought some gojis weeks ago and forgot all about them (was lost in the cupboard). Muffin baking later (might warm the house up a bit more with the oven on) hope I like them - how much to 4 eggs mix?
Sat PP 4/2
weigh in tomorrow hope its - 1 dont feel any different from last week but I wont do with only losing at most 1. Not much exercise done this week too wet and now too cold. Time to make some muffins the house might warm up a bit more with the oven on. My friend has just text me to say its snowing heavy (she lives 6 miles away) NO snow here :) thank goodness
We have a White out here, & biting cold wind.
Lucky you getting goji berries I got a free fat burning suppliment lol
We have a White out here, & biting cold wind.
Lucky you getting goji berries I got a free fat burning suppliment lol

You never know Ellie the supplement may do wonders :eek:
Biting wind here have to get kitted out before venturing to the garage to put washing in - its like ice rain, not hailstone or sleet or snow - I know its freezing tho - a night for staying in, curtains shut, candles burning, heating on full blast. Always want to bake when we have weather like this only trouble is I want to eat it too :(
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Fingers and toes crossed for tomorrow Chris - hope it's a good one. I got free goji berries from Dukan shop too when I ordered my nougat drops. I also ordered the oat bran biscuits - has anyone tried them??? Thought they might come in handy for horse shows or when I forget to make batch of muffins and get caught short!!! Couldn't see how many you could have in a day either so that will be interesting - biscuits can be a bit dicey for me so we will see!!! LOL. Glad you have battened down the hatches, hope you are warm and snug. Was a tough week to get exercising with all the miserable weather. At least you have had a great Dukan eating week! Good idea of CD to try GAP - or just go for designer size 14 - there flippin tiny!!!! x
Couldn't see how many you could have in a day either .....

Site says 3 biscuits equals one tolerated........ Haven't tried them yet :)
Sunday 5/2 PV

weigh in this morning and I've STS - perhaps I'm keeping hold of a bit of insulation while its so cold ;) ................. dont know why but never mind. Think I'd better have a 110% week if its at all possible = more exercise, drink more water. I only have 1tbl of wheatbran each day and I need it. So dont know what else to cut out. I only have 0% yoghurt and DrD flavourings. Tbh I cant think of anything else I could remove. So ............. yeh a better week for me and just watch this space ................... :) :) :)
I havent looked outside yet :( its shivering cold here and thats in my lounge with the heating on :(
Im hopefully going to see my friend later that I havent seen since last summer (she doesnt work and jaunts about like a jet setter - lol) so really looking forward to seeing her. She lives around an hour away so fingers crossed the roads are OK. Ive known my friend since 1974 so know her very well I told her I'd lost a bit of weight! and that I could only eat certain food groups. No questions asked she just said is 'salmon' ok? Love my friend, I dont have loads of different ones but the friends I do have are very special indeed.
Keep warm & cosy x
Ive decided to try and work towards Dr D's true weight calculation thought it was a bit optimistic last July didnt think I could do it let alone lose 3.5 stones in 27 weeks (still cant believe it when I type it out). Even though Ive STS today I can still go for it and if it looks like its not going to happen then I'll be happy with losing what I have. Ive been thinking about it for awhile and dont know why I didnt just go for 11st 4lb from the beginning. My shopping trip for new clothes on Friday has helped me make the decision.
Anyway I've decided now - I've 7 weeks before I go to Holland with work so thats my new mini target to reach for :)
Don't worry about this week's weigh in, you'll probably see a slightly bigger drop next week. And I think you sound very positive and focused. Enjoy seeing your friend, I'm the same as you and go for quality not quantity in friends (shame I don't in food :D).
Don't worry about this week's weigh in, you'll probably see a slightly bigger drop next week. And I think you sound very positive and focused. Enjoy seeing your friend, I'm the same as you and go for quality not quantity in friends (shame I don't in food :D).

CD same would rather have one true friend than 10. No I'm not worried at all very chilled actually ;)
glad your thinking about going to your true weight... if anyone can do it you can xx
Great attitude Chris - it will reward you tenfold for sure. Hope your friend was wowwed by the new look Chris and that you enjoyed the dukan friendly salmon. I hope that if i sts tomorrow or worse, gain, that I can be as upbeat as you are about it - a healthy approach...... Just gonna see if I can work out how to post my before and after pics, mind you they should be called before and during pics cos I defo am not where I want to be but very happy to be where I am for now!!! Hope the weather has improved with you - was sheet ice everywhere this morning - literally an ice rink in the yard - my hands nearly dropped off throwing salt around!!!! But much warmer than it was which I am grateful for and the sun is still shining now...Lovely...
Monday 6/2 PP
Had a lovely time with our friends my friend Sandra was very impressed on my dukan weightloss - She'd never heard of Dr D and couldnt get her head around me not eating fruit which is understandable - she knows how much I love fruit. We once sat waiting for a train in gorgeous sunshine eating loads of plums - funny how happy memories just appear like magic!
So must get ready for work - weekend goes too fast but only working 3 days and 1 night instead of 4 days. Hoping my daughter was off this Wednesday but she is working :(
Today - muffins, tin of mackeral in brine, roast beef, roast chicken & trying to drink loads of water...............

See you later x