Gold Member
Monday 9/4 PP
A good dukan easter - the one and only year I've not eaten loads of chocolate/hot x buns etc. Its in the house but I just dont think about it. Did have a small glass of wine with my roast dinner but thats the only non dukan thing I've had this weekend. Today a PP not sure what though trip to the s'market I think - just remembered salmon in the fridge should have had a starter yesterday oops forgot all about it. Thats lunch then and Trudys flan for tonight.
The weather is awful as its been all weekend too wet & grey to do anything outside - this time last year the weather was lovely! So today what shall I do? the house is clean and tidy. Less stress from my daughter as she has sent her dissertation draft in so we can breath for a few days before the next assignment in due in
Craft yehhhhhhh necklace to make and im trying to learn how to crochet via a lovely lady on YouTube - LOL
Im in tomorrow afternoon waiting for 'Mr repair man Dyson' but a friend is coming for coffee which will be good can have a good old natter about nothing really. Wednesday I'm out for the day with my lovely work colleagues helping to find and buy floristry stuff we need for Harrogate Show. Thursday its my birthday but having my hair cut too and then its Friday not sure - MrR is taking Thursday & Friday off. May suggest going into Manchester for something to eat and a mooch around the art galleries. We shall see ........
A good dukan easter - the one and only year I've not eaten loads of chocolate/hot x buns etc. Its in the house but I just dont think about it. Did have a small glass of wine with my roast dinner but thats the only non dukan thing I've had this weekend. Today a PP not sure what though trip to the s'market I think - just remembered salmon in the fridge should have had a starter yesterday oops forgot all about it. Thats lunch then and Trudys flan for tonight.
The weather is awful as its been all weekend too wet & grey to do anything outside - this time last year the weather was lovely! So today what shall I do? the house is clean and tidy. Less stress from my daughter as she has sent her dissertation draft in so we can breath for a few days before the next assignment in due in
Im in tomorrow afternoon waiting for 'Mr repair man Dyson' but a friend is coming for coffee which will be good can have a good old natter about nothing really. Wednesday I'm out for the day with my lovely work colleagues helping to find and buy floristry stuff we need for Harrogate Show. Thursday its my birthday but having my hair cut too and then its Friday not sure - MrR is taking Thursday & Friday off. May suggest going into Manchester for something to eat and a mooch around the art galleries. We shall see ........