Christmas SW tips


Silver Member
Got any Christmas cooking tips? Any ideas on keeping those hands away from all those lovely decadent but synful Xmas treats?

I've just had an idea to put my first Christmas present (a box of chocolates) under my big fruit bowl to prevent me taking one out each time I walk past. It will hopefully encourage me to take a Christmasy satsuma instead of a handful of chocs when I fancy a nibble on something!

Share your tips!
There are some good alternatives to buffet stuff on the sw website which I think I might try.
Filling up on lots of superfree still so you haven't got the room for the chocs etc
Plan ahead!
Saw on here somewhere "stick to plan when you can" so if you know you have meals out/off plan work round them
Putting the chocs out of easy reach is a good idea better to avoid them as much as possible as its a hard habit to break when get into it (or I find anyway)
Prioritise what you really want between weight loss/maintenance and between the foods because having 'everything' is likely to end up in a BIG gain but having some of some would probably not do as much damage.
There are no goodies in our house till 2 days before from past history me and husband cant be trusted , so I will get the xmas stuff nearer the time.
I've told OH to put what 'goodies' he wants on the shopping list, it will include Pringles, but i'm not worried about those, last time i had one it just didn't taste as yummy as they used to. As for the other stuff, i don't over buy & people know not to get me too many goodies. I break down My chocs into 5 syns bags which makes me stop & think before i eat.

i'm going to buy quark to have on my mince pie, christmas lunch will be SW friendly, its the port & wine which will be my downfall if anything.

we can just do our best.
I will be having 2 days off over xmas and will eat mince pies and cream etc not loads but i will have some. We would have had about 4 boxes of mp by now before SW. Im always glad to go back to the SW way of eating after 2 days because Ive had some treats and they dont really agree with my stomach to carry on eating high fat foods.

So Im not being too hard on myself and will just enjoy what we have *********
I have mini versions of things...

Mini mince pues
mini toblerones
low fat cheese and ritz biscuits
plenty of salad and fruit
then the usual Christmas dinner cooked the sw way

I will have some wine and beers but won't overdo it x
Our C had a brilliant saying, "It's not what's on the dinner table, it's what's on the coffee table". In other words, your Christmas meal is probably relatively SW friendly, it's all of the other nibbles you need to watch out for - that mince pie here, the handful of nuts there. It's the little things that quickly add up!