(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Thank you for another great tip and thats exactly what I did. I had alovely WW coconut cake. x
After I saw this message in work I definately resisted cake because I thought I can't let the supporters down because also I will be letting myself down. x
Hi Serena. Thanks well I hope I am and I'm not going to be disappointed on Saturday because I otherwise I don't know what I will do. I know it may sound strange but my jeans do feel a bit loose so I hope thats a signal. As for Cake-Gate today I was really pleaseed and resisted it was hard I have to admit especially as they brought in a box of Marks and Spensers chocolates aswell and for me not to touch one is an achievement in its self because before I would have had about 10 probably. I just enjoyed my WW cake and fruit. Not eating after 8pm is hard I have to admit but I try to find things to do to keep me occupied so I don't binge eat thats what got me into trouble in the first place lol. I also drink diet coke or water when I feel hungry. The worse part for me is when I have to do the sandwiches for work the next day for my partner because sometimes I will cut an extra piece of cheese for me lol but I've stopped that habbit now lol.
Only one more day till dee day. Everyone please keep your fingers crossed for me on Saturday. x
Wow! Go You! Resisting Cake AND Chocolate! So Proud of you Sweetie and I just know that the Scales WILL reward you, you WILL get a good result and you WILL do the happy scale dance! Trust Aunty Serena