I would stay fat for Dean does that make me a horny old goat? Hahaha xx
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Nope, think I would too! Having said that, we know where he's been so maybe not!
I was naughty last night, not by choice (well, kinda)

I felt so sick when I went home I curled in a ball and asked Steve to cook dinner, but to cook dinner we needed quorn, so off he popped to Tesco, they were sold out so he picked up sarnies and crisps...quite how that's an equal swap I'll never know, his reasoning was he wanted to feed me quick and get me to bed (sweet), but not good for my diet! Not the end of the world, and much better than a takeout but still feeling pretty pants about it.
On plan today, no plans to let a single meal ruin my week.
Breakfast: Fruit salad
Lunch: Greek yog, chicken salad
Dinner: Ham salad sandwich and velvet crunch (6)
Light day hopefully to make up for yesterday.