You know how you say I didn't let it make me slip?....I have eaten nothing but pizza for 4 days - not making excuses but I was so f*ed off with the MD being there that every time I got home I was just in complete CBA angry mode. I have been so incredibly bad, so have taken a day off work today to do nothing but exercise and drink green mushy smoothies.
I'm 100% certain I'll be gaining come Sunday, but I'm prepared and it will be well deserved, I'm almost impressed at how bad I've been, so there's that at least!
I have a 4 day weekend over the bank holiday too, because I've booked the Friday off - Boy has a 7 day gym pass so he'll be gone all weekend which means I can do some serious exercise, my plan involves he burning of at least 1200 cals each day.
Currently slurping my way through a smoothie consisting of spinach, kiwi, apple, parsley and celery *barf*, exercise starts at 11am with BFBM and 30DS, then lunch (chicken, avocado salad), BFBM and 30DS, then a snack (protein shake) and then as much as I can do on the crosstrainer before I pass out.
If you don't hear from me again, I've died and/or hunted Jillian Michaels down and killed her - please tell the world I died skinny