Chunky Dunking, taking the plunge and losing the flab!

We'll go to the states when we're skinny minnies and our money and fame will get us on the set of supernatural and Jesse Pavelka can be my PT. We'll be too busy spending our fortune to eat and regain the weight :) xx
We'll go to the states when we're skinny minnies and our money and fame will get us on the set of supernatural and Jesse Pavelka can be my PT. We'll be too busy spending our fortune to eat and regain the weight :) xx

Oh we can dream. OH OH I forgot to tell you, I had an AMAZING dream last nigh that Sam and Dean came to a party at my house and we got on marvellously, and there were hugs and jokes and I believe at one point I felt Deans bicep!
His bicep? You missed a trick there petal I would have aimed lower haha I never have dreams like that you jammy thing I think I would spontaneously combust if I ever met either of them. I would be a dribbling mess xx
His bicep? You missed a trick there petal I would have aimed lower haha I never have dreams like that you jammy thing I think I would spontaneously combust if I ever met either of them. I would be a dribbling mess xx

I'm a little sad that I'm awake, it was so lovely, like we were proper best friends. Steve woke me up, I could have punched him!

I like to think I'd be col and collected and totally impressive, doubtful!
I know I'd be a total idiot and not get any coherent speech out lol wtf was steve playing at? Bet there was no time to drop back off and try and get back into it either I hate that xx

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Morning Mini's!

My heating is finally getting fixed tomorrow, I will have heat and hot water!!! I'm so sick of being cold, I intend to leave it on all day so the house is cosy when I get home, rather than having to put fuzzy socks and gloves on!

I have a massive curry craving so I'm not sure if I'll end up doing that for dinner and just blitzing tomorrow through Sunday on my weekend away from Steve or have something healthy. We'll see

Breakfast: Greek yoghurt and a nectarine
Lunch: Jam on toast and a Nak'd bar
Dinner: TBD
Afternoon my lovely. Yay to the heating! Turn it up and just run a bath of hot water to celebrate lol

Have a curry if you want one, I used to do a sw friendly korma so it can be done without any damage to your weight loss. Are you weighing in tomorrow? I've been naughty and had a mid week peak xx

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Afternoon my lovely. Yay to the heating! Turn it up and just run a bath of hot water to celebrate lol

Have a curry if you want one, I used to do a sw friendly korma so it can be done without any damage to your weight loss. Are you weighing in tomorrow? I've been naughty and had a mid week peak xx

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I'm going to dye my hair and have a buble bath (bubble bath whilst listening to Michael Buble, lush)!
I'm not weighing in no, I'm avoiding the scales till Feb! Will weigh in on the 1st (Sunday) and just have a slightly smaller week. Oh no, bad Lisa! What did it say?
Ooh bubbles with buble sounds relaxing. What colour are you going?

You'll have a good loss of you wait til then to weigh. My sneaky peek is showing a 3.75lb loss but I'm not trusting that until Monday xx

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Ooh bubbles with buble sounds relaxing. What colour are you going?

You'll have a good loss of you wait til then to weigh. My sneaky peek is showing a 3.75lb loss but I'm not trusting that until Monday xx

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Just brown again, I'm naturally blonde so it lightens a lot, I'm saving red for when I lose weight properly.

Ooh at least it was a good sneaky peak!
I'd love red hair I just can't be bothered with the upkeep :/ good choice with brown I've never known Dean have feelings for a blonde ;)

It was a great sneaky peek and it's definitely gonna keep me motivated this weekend xx

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I'd love red hair I just can't be bothered with the upkeep :/ good choice with brown I've never known Dean have feelings for a blonde ;)

It was a great sneaky peek and it's definitely gonna keep me motivated this weekend xx

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Ahahah I had another dreeeeeaaammm! It was good! At the moment my hair is mousy, kind of like in my pic, I alternate between that and dark.

Morning Gorgeous Girls!

I am having a good day! Makes a lovely change! I am doing a detox, I have my exercise plan done for tomorrow, my heating is being fixed and I have settled on a hairstyle for when I AM skinny, which will happen dammit!

Breakfast: Apple, Kiwi and celery juice/smoothie
Lunch: Coconut water, banana, nectarine
Dinner: I've given Boy the option of soup, stew or veggie pie, so whichever he decides will be healthy.

I said to Boy this morning that ideally I'd like to find something part time for a few months so I can focus on my fitness and then start full time after that, and he was fine with it, said as long as I could earn enough to cover groceries and a bit of spending then I can do what I like, would mean no holidays this year but I would finally be happy with myself and I think that's a fair swap!
You sound really chipper today my lovely it's nice to see :D Tell me about the dream were the Winchesters in it again?

Well done Steve on being so good about part time, you should have the best of both worlds that way. Still out and having a purpose but plenty of time to focus on you and getting where you want to be. Have you seen anything you want to apply for yet? xx
You sound really chipper today my lovely it's nice to see :D Tell me about the dream were the Winchesters in it again?

Well done Steve on being so good about part time, you should have the best of both worlds that way. Still out and having a purpose but plenty of time to focus on you and getting where you want to be. Have you seen anything you want to apply for yet? xx

Dean was, no sam unfortunately! I was car-jacked (as you do in dreams apparently) and he came to my rescue and it was so lovely, though he was wearing really odd clothes, like dapper jeans and a long black coat (kind of half Crowley wardrobe, half hipster!) I think it's because I'm re-watching from season 6 so I can start on 9 on E4, it's literally all I've seen in 2 weeks!

I've applied for a couple, but trying to hang on for the redundancy money, so will probably start looking properly in April, at the moment I'm just keeping the feelers out if anything really good or well paid comes along!
It's all practice too if you get invited to interviews, the more you do the less nervous you'll be for the ones that you really want. Well that's how my brain works anyway. What a weird outfit for him to be in, your brain is as strange as mine lol xx
It's all practice too if you get invited to interviews, the more you do the less nervous you'll be for the ones that you really want. Well that's how my brain works anyway. What a weird outfit for him to be in, your brain is as strange as mine lol xx

My brain must have mixed him and Crowley up and just added some skinny jean type things into the mix! Don't really care what he's wearing though to be honest! :p
No clothes at all would be even better ;) xx
I had one about Jess Pavelka a few months ago and that was lovely even though all we did was cwtch. I remember in my dream he just felt so strong and had a lovely chest. Wonder what it feels like to be a sex symbol and have people drooling over you, I don't think I'd like it but it doesn't stop me drooling over them haha xx
Don't think I'd like it either, must be weird. I imagine it depends what kind, if you're just good looking but known for something else (Like an actor or musician) it'd probably be okay but having to do things based ONLY on your looks, that sounds awful!