Hey Hun,
I'm still on here!! I haven't been writing my menus up naughty naughty I know...I've been tracking on myfitnesspal, it gives a break down of calories you've had/what you need to eat to maintain/lose, I've only gone over 1,000kcals one day (1,083) but still haven't lost weight, I haven't gained either though so thats fine, I just can't seem to eat anymore than my 'set' menus which goes something like this:
All Bran skimmed milk, apple, fat free yogurt, wholemeal sandwich with fat free mayo, mustard, ham slice, tomato, cucumber, lettuce, onion. 2l of water, 2 coffees with skimmed milk, can of diet coke, oven baked fish or chicken or turkey with either baked potato/sweet potato, 3tblsp of rice, small salad or some veg. I've had half a glass of wine one evening and couldn't drink it. I've also had a vodka and found it LOVELY (before LT I hated the taste) I had 2 squares of 85% chocolate after dinner once too. I can't seem to eat anymore than those three meals though, its a struggle, I don't mind though because even eating this I am still feeling 'fat'.
One evening I had scrambled egg, 2 spoons of baked beans and 1slice of wholemeal toast and it was divine...but the next day I felt really sore like I had heartburn, I think it must have been from the fat in the egg because I'm keeping the fat levels under 15g a day. I've had no toilet problems (yippee) probably because I'm always drinking my water and I'm having my bran and eating wholemeal bread.
I think I will up my veg/fruit intake from next week though. I'm off to a party this weekend (the reason I did my refeed earlier than anticipated) and I hope I can exercise some restraint!!(I will because I know how I suffered after eating the egg so it will be sticking to the chicken and veggie skewers) I may start 100% TFR in 2 weeks again if I have failed to lose 1lb just because the wedding is coming up in less than 4 months now

and I'd like to lose another stone!!!
Did you lose or gain this week hun?? xxx ur menus look great too