ClaireCat:A Weightloss Trilogy

Pmsl! I'm really sorry! It was a tunnocks teacake! I ate the chocolate off the top, licked out the mallow, then ate the biscuit base!

I only ate one, although we do have a box of 36!
Jesus i only ever seen a 10 pack box!!! Thats a BIG box lmao
Lol! I bought it as part of his Christmas because he loves them. It's tradition now!
Hey hunni.

Diet wise, i've done rubbish. Damn the only food in the house being carbs. Although today I did take some turkey out the freezer this morning, so I had some turkey breat grilled with some mayo - very atkins of me!

Pain wise, I was awake most of the night - just couldnt get comfy. Phoned in sick at work this morning and went back to bed about 10am and didnt wake up til half 5!!!!!! Lazy cow!!!

Got myself a choc truffa bar and a cup of tea. Feeling a bit better after my sleep, I must admit. Or maybe its the drugs?! Hard to say! lol!
thats good then either way,
wont take long to get back into the swing of things will it ,
Nah, I'm actually really wanting to go back on my shakes! Think I'll have one later on! God, its a sad day when I'm missing shakes! lol!
Hi lovely!! ive found u on here yayyy!

Just thought id say i hope sands is going well for you! are you preferrin it to cd?

Sorry to hear you arent well :( hope u get well soon. make sure the doctors sort you out. a while ago I had the same symptoms. went to the doctor and had an anti inflammatory. it got worse..they gave me an asthma pump (not sure if you have this symptom but the pain made it hard for me to catch my breath) and it still didnt get better so i was admitted to hospital and found out i had a blood clot on my lung. it took them about 3 months to diagnose it. the bastaaaaads. lol xxxx
Beth!!!! I missed you!!!! :D

I am definitly preferring it to cd! I think the shakes are much nicer, the bars dont give me a dodgy stomach and the meals are a great addition! Loving the chilli :D

And I'm feeling a bit better now. I went back to bed about 10am this morning and I slept right thru til 5.30pm like a big fat lazy *******! lol!

Feel like I could go back to bed tho. I seem to be breathing a bit better at the moment, so might go back to work tomorrow if I'm alright in the morning :)

How you getting on my lovely?x
awww man I hope you get well soon...i know how much being ill SUCKS. Let alone doing it on a diet. well done hun for sticking with it :)

soooo glad that s and s is working.out for you...the meals sound like a treat of an addition. Now I have found you I will be following your progress!!! go you!!

As for me,eight weeks in and almost two stone down. just to cheer you up when u are feeling is a pic of me from today. I had a photoshoot with more magazine and they were carrraaazyyy on the makeup and hair!! feel free to laugh at my drag queen ness!

I am doing ok cheats so far and powering through till i reach my target!!


Oooh, look at you, ya big skinny!!!!

Loving the make-up! hehe! :p
i wish i was a big skinny! because i am only 2 foot tall i still have a stone plus some to shift!! then the hard part actually starts...controlling real food and excercising *boohoo* !!! is it wrong to want to stay on cambridge forever?!? lol xx
Ok, so I woke up this morning, feeling much better, but phoned in sick anyway! My bad!

My OH has an all day job interview today which he's been super nervous about. I sent him for hypnotherapy on Monday to help with his anxiety so hopefully its helped a bit. If not, ah well, I tried! lol! He starts his actual job at 6pm tonight, so I wont see him until tomorrow. Boo.

Keeping my fingers, toes and legs crossed for him! lol!

So far today I've had a crispy choc shake, which I'm still not very keen on, but I've got about 10 of the ******* to drink, so hopefully they'll grow on me! I've also had a muesli bar - both not because I was hungry, just because I felt like it.

Been wanting to munch since I got up this morning, but I wont because after last weeks gain, and this weeks having to eat to take tablets, I'm trying my best not to put on weight for a second week running.

God, if I put on weight on Saturday I'll be inconsolable.

On a side note, I keep hearing about people getting bloody married. I've gone all broody, or emotional or something. I'm all jealous! I cant imagine my OH actually deciding to ask me to marry him. He's too content with life floating along the way it is! Yesterday, someone I used to see started messaging me on facebook, telling me he wish he hadnt messed it up between us and he would have asked me to marry him by now.

What is it with men. Why do they have to do things like that?! It almost makes me doubt the choices I've since made. Aaah, I dont even know what I'm talking about. I know I have a good man, he may not be perfect, but he's loyal and he's loving, even though its not in his nature to show it all the time.

No replies necessary, I'm waffling to myself. must be due my period, or I've forgotten to take my happy tablets for a while! lol!
Lol! Yeah, more of a micro moan! Or a rant lol!
Has the puffiest face in the whole world. I've spent the last 4 hours crying my eyes out like some emotional wreck! Honest to god, got the worst migrane in the whole world now and my eyes are nipping.

Dont know if I feel better for it or not. Think I just upset my OH, who was having a bad day as it was because he didnt get the job he was being interviewed for this morning, and myself. Got a lot of my chest tho, not that it probably made much difference. Honest to God, I can work out if I'm right or just being an absolute pain in the arse for no reason.

Its hard to tell if its my depression, or if its actually true. Then there's the fact that I said how I felt and he never said anything, so obv that makes it true.

Cryptic diary post or what?! lol! Just wanted to write stuff down. **** **** **** ****. Pfft.
hey Claire, I'm sorry I don't have any amazing words of wisdom - just hope you feel better soon :) xx
Claire, sorry to hear you are feeling bad, really hope the headache goes and you feel better emotionally too.
Thanks guys. I took some of my glorious painkillers and my sore head has gone but my eyes are still sore tho. And I think I've really upset my man.

Hopefully it'll all work out for the best tho.
I am sure it will all sort itself out. U r doing so well and u are I'll it's only natural to get a bit down sometimes. Hope u feel better soon x