Ok, so yesterday I hummed and hawd about having my "day off". I eventually decided to do it, and I'm pleased to say, it was such a disappointment.
I had bought a pack of my favourite biscuits and I ate one and thought "these are a bit rubbish". This diet has ruined Fox's Vienese biscuits for me! lol! Usually I could have eaten the entire pack. I had 2 fox's cookies, which were a bit better, but I wasnt inspired.
I had a chinese for dinner. I opted for salt and chilli ribs, and they were rubbish. Mini veg spring rolls which i LOVE, which were also a bit naff, and I had some of my OH's salt and chilli chips, and they were a bit tasteless.
Actually really glad to have had my choc shake for breakie today!
So all in all, my "day off" has made me stop wishing I could have all this other food because it just doesnt taste as good as I remember it being. So thats got to be a bonus!
Looking forward to my S&S stuff arriving next week, hopefully its delish