Hello. Thanks everyone.
Hypnotherapy was, well, emotional and a bit, well... I cant think of the word, but I'm imagining hippies swaying about talking about their inner temple whilst worshipping a goddess!
Don't get me wrong, I feel much better. It was nice to not be judged for 2 hours. She wants me to go for 2 hours every weekend for 4 weeks to start with.
Now, at £60 per hour, for 8 hours a month, is a bit out of my budget, so I think I will have to pass on that. But it was nice to talk to someone, and I really do feel much better. But I'm not sure if thats because the hypnotherapy helped, or because I cried, alot, for 2 hours. Crying always makes me feel better.
I've made a doctors appointment for next Friday afternoon to see about going to speak to a psychologist. I think I can get referred because of my mentalness - but I'll find out.
I am very good at twisting everything, making mountains out of mole-hills and self-sabotaging. I even know I'm doing it, but I keep doing it anyway. So hoping I can get something to help - that's going to be cheaper than £500 a month.
Got my consultation on Friday, so I'm quite looking forward to that. But not really too sure if I can afford it without having to take out a loan to cover some of it, since I decided to start studying for a degree in September and I need to fund that myself. Also, since I didn't get my nice new job with my nice wage rise, I might need to hold off for a bit. I was supposed to get a wage rise in my current job this month, but noone has spoken to me about it. They've either forgotten or just ignoring the fact that they promised to review my salary in February. Anyway, I'll see how the consultation goes. If anything, I'm looking forward to a wee day trip to Engyland.
Not sure how my diet will fair on Friday though as I am a bit reluctant to take a bag full of powder on the plane with me, and I really dont want to have to carry my shaker bottle about because, well, it rattles in my bag! And I'd need to clean it so it doesn't go icky. I think it's going to be a day of s&s crisps, bars and wafers with maybe a nandos or something.
Jobwise, I'm really trying to not think about how depressing my current job is. I think I uttered 2 words to the people in my office today. I really need to talk, and they can quite happily sit in silence all day. Or if they do talk, its to have a moan amongst themselves like a bunch of old fish wives. I'd much rather not get involved. I keep disappearing to the upstairs office for some conversation! We have a new start on the 19th of March - I'm hoping she's chatty. Or at the very least, give everyone else someone else to dump their crap onto that's not me.
Keeping one eye on the job market, but not looking to jump ship for any old job. It'll have to be a decent move. I don't want my cv getting really choppy, and I'm sick of changing jobs. I just want one that fits properly.