Claire's battle of the bulge. Constipation...again.

First Weekend.

I want to go out and socialise, have lunch, go to the pub. Have a nice dinner with some mates. :cry:

Actually, I really want to go to the cinema. But if I do that, I know I'll want to have nachos. I would make some crisps to see me through it, but I cant actually be bothered making them. Having a bit of a blegh day. Work is really getting me down, and I'm Bi-Polar, so I really just want to cry and comfort eat today.

Me and my mate are just about to go out shopping, and I know he'll need to have lunch while we're out, unless he starves. So not sure how thats going to go for me.

I'll hate myself a little bit more if i ruin my diet on the first weekend. Guess only time will tell.
Well, its official. I am constipated.

Last time I did cambridge, I got THE worlds worst constipation, and I dont even want to go into it. But lets just say, it took a fair few laxatives to shift it, waaaay more than recommended.

I've been taking the cambridge fibre suppliement everyday, and I've taken a senakot today. Not over happy about it. Makes me wonder if this way of dieting is really worth it. I mean, there's no amount of weight i can lose in a week to make me consider ending up in the state I did the last time. I'd rather be fat than constipated.

Great start with your 9lb loss well done :)