ProPoints Claire's post pregnancy and pre wedding weight loss diary!

Mmmmm pancakes!!!! I dnt no if I'm going t make them though no one elsee eats them so seems a waste and I wil eat LOADS lol!!

Not long till ur hen do! Defo nEeed a picture ;) xx
I love pancakes. We sometimes have them on a Sunday morning for breakfast. It's great though because I can only manage 2-3 now, where as I used to eat 6-7. My kids love them too. I just brought a new frying pan especially for them. :)
Yes they were even dan cleared hes plate which is rare!had my speeding course last night made me really think how in the wrong I was even tho only 5mph over limit could of caused lot of damage had a child walked I've learnt my lesson and will stick to all speed limits now!

Tiny slice of banana bread (2)

Poached eggs on toast (10)
Nume crisps (2)
Ww Greek yoghurt (1)


Cajun chicken (5)
Rice (6)
Red,yellow,green peppers
I think they should be made compulsory for all new drivers to do along with there test and maybe resit every 10 years I kno its money but think would cut down alot of accidents.the trainer said that doing that course will now make us safer drivers had we of taken the points we would prob just carry on speeding whereas now it makes us think before going those few extra mph,gets us nowhere quicker x
When's ur weigh day Claire? X x
Gained 1lb:-( I knew it was coming!!

Well line drawn _________________________________________________

1/2 melon
Ww Greek yoghurt (1)

Cheese ham and pickle roll (8)
Crisps (4)
Ww caramel wafer (1)

Chicken (4)
Chinese stir fry veg
Fry light to stir fry
Sweet and sour sauce (1)

Will update rest later gonna try stick to low pp breakfast else I struggle rest of day,shouldn't find Eve's too hard tho now as I've given up choc for lent so thats a no go!!
Roll on good loss next fri ready for my hen do!!

More exercise too next week as all classes r back on!!xxx
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o hun sorry about the gain! but good lass jus drawing a big lin under it! its a new week new weeklies n all that!
eeeekkkkk ur hen makes me excited for ine cnt wait to see some pics
You'll lose that next wk chick no problem! X x