If you can I would really try and persevere with TS. Just forget about the blip and start afresh, once a VCLD is established it really does become a way of life. I'm an all or nothing type of person which is why I started this diet in the first place as i'm sure is the case for many. I just think that once you bring food into the equation it can become too much of a temptation. You start off with accurately weighing everything and then start thinking one more bit of brocolli will be fine or a larger bit of chicken etc and before you know it you're back to square one.
That's just my little old opinion and if you really feel your willpower is strong enough to reintroduce food then go for it. Because if it's that option or give up all together I know which I would choose.
I really hope I don't sound too harsh in this post, I just wanted to remind you why you started with Exante.