Clare's JUDDD Diary!

Thanks guys. Had 373 cals so far today, think I'll have some cottage cheese and crackers for tea. I cant believe I'm gonna say this but DD are no where near as bad as I thought. Once I get passed the initial morning hunger (which I normally beat with a big glass of water) the rest of the day is fine. I even refused chocolate cake and lemon fondant fancies today :eek: totally unlike me lol although I did snaffle a fondant fancy and pop it in my drawer for tomorrow. It really is fab knowing you can eat normally every other day. Normally I'd have had a cake which would have quickly turned into 4 lol xx
yeah for you . When i first started Juddd i did it just to prove that I could not survive on just 500 calories a day. I was soon shocked to find out that actually i could survive quite well on 500 safe in the knowledge that goodies are just around the corner
yeah for you . When i first started Juddd i did it just to prove that I could not survive on just 500 calories a day. I was soon shocked to find out that actually i could survive quite well on 500 safe in the knowledge that goodies are just around the corner

Tell me about it. Hubby is sat eating ice cream next to me and I would normally pine but its soooo easy knowing if I want it, I only have to wait til tomorrow. Then when the time comes, chances are I won't even want it any more x
Hahaha, i love that you've hidden away a fondant fancy! I'd do the same :eek: Well done for beating the ice-cream temptation as well!
Haha I just had to have one waiting for me today.

Happy friday everyone and what a happy friday it is. Decided to weigh in this morning since yesterday was my DD and I've lost 2lb. 2 whole lb in just 3 days. Shocked is an understatement :) my normal weigh day will be a saturday morn but this week has been a bit odd with starting with a DD on a tuesday. I'm sooooo chuffed. What a good way to start my UD!! Have a fab day everyone xx
Well done. Enjoy your UD.
Thanks everyone. Still cant believe how easy it is :) really enjoying my UD. 900 cals so far. On a DD tomorrow but I'm also at a wedding reception on the evening so it may turn into a ID. I dont drink so it's mainly the delicious nibbles on show that I'll find tough. Feeling totally motivated after the weigh in though xx
Evening all, 1973 cals today which is such a lot for me. Most of it came from picking at bits of cake at work and it adds up very quickly. Too much info alert here.........I think something I've ate today hasnt agreed with me and well lets say it didnt stay in me for long. Got a feeling if I weighed in tomorrow I'd get a pleasant surprise lol I won't bother coz I know it'll soon go back on and I dont want it to dishearten me. Stomach is so tender still so im hoping this will make DD fairly easy tomorrow, even with the evening reception xx
Morning all, sooooo glad yesterdays DD is done. It kinda turned into an ID as expected and I had 804 cals. Was so good at the reception and only had a few potato wedges and a piece of cake. UD today :D:D which I'm very happy about. Totally loving juddd!!! x
UD for me too! :) well done for keeping the calories low at the reception :)
Hello fellow juddders! Another DD for me today. Got my week planned as follows
Today Mon - DD
Tues- UD
Wed - ID
Thurs - DD
Friday - UD
Saturday - ID
Sun - UD
Rather than 3 DD I'm having 2 DD with 2 ID instead. Quite a social week this week so figured I best try and plan as well as possible or they may all end up as UD lol so far I've had about 140 cals on porridge with water and a glass of almond milk. Feeling motivated too since a friend I sit next to at work pulled me one side and said 'clare, I've heard of this amazing eating plan where you eat 500 cals so many days a week and then the rest of the time you eat what you want' needless to say I thoroughly enjoyed filling her in about the plan, telling her how simple it is etc. It now appears I have a juddd buddy at work :D happy days xx
Last couple of days have gone well. On an ID today then a DD tomorrow so not particularly looking forward to two low cal days. Had a fab UD yesterday though. Dinner was a giant Yorkshire pud filled with butternut squash, quorn mince and gravy. Soooo yummy! Dying to get on the scales but I'm going to wait til sunday morn after my Saturday DD/ID. Hoping for 2lb off :) x
Thanks all. Totally loving juddd!! Not sure what is going to happen over the next few weeks/months because DH and I have decided to try for a baby right away. Now I know fasting isnt good for pregnant women, not really sure about women trying to conceive so if anyone can shed any light it'd be much appreciated :) x
Morning juddders! Hope everyone is well. Thought I'd weigh in this morn n see how im doin. I'm another 2.25lb down :D current weight is now 10st3.75lb so thats 0.25lb short of 8lb gone :D thrilled!! xx