You are hilarious.....xx
Someone said to me once (I think my very "honest" sister)about a camel hoof before and I hadn't a clue what they were talking about and when I realised I nearly DIED.
Hehe, I didn't know what it was till I was 18. It was a photo of me standing next to my banger racing car, proudly clutching my helmet, and showing off the damage to the rear end of the car. I thought the photo was brilliant, till a mate of my boyfriend at the time said, "OH MY GOD, full on camels hoof!!" I was like, what the hells that supposed to mean???? and when he told me I nearly died with embarresment!! lol *laugh at it now though* You can imagine the jokes in the pub for the next 2 months
Most gals check out thier butts in the mirror, .... for me its making sure the camel dont rear its ugly hoof xxx
yeah it definately makes you paranoid....No fear of any camel hoofs at the moment all my clothes are hanging off me and refuse to shop as I havea wardrobe full of size 14 and size 12 to get into.