Right peeps, I am not going to moan or cry about this, and I have already dealt with it, but I feel like I have to "come clean" in my diary here, otherwise I'd by very hypocritical offering advice to other people.
We'll refer to the following episode as:
"The Terrifying Kettle Chips Incident"
I have four mates from home staying with me last night, they were going to a gig, and crashed at mine. Resisted the heavy drinking to a certain extent, but I did choose to fall off the wagon (yes, I KNOW I evangelised to others about the evils of drinking on Dukan, feel free to post your comments here to the hypocrite

) so I chose to drink 3 gin and slimline tonics. I enjoyed them (actually for the sourness of the slimline tonic more than the alcohol) and I am not going to regret them. What I regret is what they led to.
My mates went out to the gig. The left two uneaten bags of Kettle Chips behind. So I opened one bag, and ate half of them.
It gets worse.
I was so freaked out by the terrifying ingestion of carbs after no carbs in my system for 6 weeks, I decided to expel the said crisps and get them out of my body. (cue one glass of salty water and fingers down throat

). Very unhealthy reaction.
Lots of things to think about as a result of that episode but I do NOT like the situation I put myself in, so I am taking control back. Funny thing is, I kind of KNEW it would happen. I have become complacent because of the weight loss and the slimming effect the diet is having. I allowed myself to drink, which led to a poor decision about food. I will think about this for the next few days and think about what I will have to do to change my thinking.
So, today, I've had a PV day (as per my DR D instructions plan), had plenty of water and have "fessed" my lapse to Dr D on the website. Texted all my friends and told them I won't be drinking this weekend when I am back home. Hired a car for the weekend, which I will be driving everywhere to help ensure I don't drink.
Stupid kettle chips. Safe to say, they won't be in my first gala meal now.