I've decided to come by train as not sure how my mini or myself would cope with London traffic It'll take about 2 1/2 hours to get to Liverpool Street Station tube from home. Does anyone know how close this is to Starbucks? Bit scared I'm going to get myself lost! 1 train and 3 tubes god only knows where I'll end up Hubby said to take the satnav, he's so helpful
That's lovely of you to offer, thank you. If it dosent put you out that would be great I think I'd get to LS tube at 11.50 ish depending on wether I get on the right tubes I'll double check times. Perhaps we could swap mobile no's then if I do get lost on the tubes or theres any delays you'll know not to wait for me.
Right being the numpty that I am I have double booked myself, leaving lunch for Finance Manager! I have moved this back to 2pm so was planning on coming down just after 12 and leaving at about 1.30/1.45 - will anyone else be there from 12ish??
Thanks Tracey, the really daft thing is usually I am free at lunch times and then this one day I go and double book!!! Mind you it's a good excuse for a repeat performance