It doesnt matter that you arent Low Carbing!!! I am sure we all want to hear from you

I wonder if many people have lost their MoJo? I think I have found it again, so I hope the others will too. Cor, you've been doing loads of work on yourself. You must be in good shape! Yes, I have learnt that the cookbooks explain the diet, so, its probably better to always go for that. I hope you enjoy the diet when you try it. I have so many diet books on my kindle now. Some I paid for, some were free. A lot are Paleo, but I cant get my head round 'no dairy', so every toime I consider giving it a go, I balk at it and return to thinking Low Carb. But that book you mention sounds good and I was thinking maybe later I will do the odd paleo day as a way of carb cycling (got to justify getting all these books.....).
You must be bursting to see your son. How long will he be with you? Precious time. I have been to Chicago for a week. Not as a tourist. My husband was working there for the last time, and asked if I'd like to go. WOULD I??!!!! Oh yesss, we stayed in Shaumberg. We did the tourist bit for 2 days then I winged it. -We were in walking distance of Woodfield Mall

So, I was there 3 or 4 times during that week. I would love to go back and spend more time seeing the city, but also touring around, San Fran possibly.
Keep us posted when you begin with that book. Maybe by then everyone will be back and buzzing again