Cokes- back to it

Yes Katie and I've just had a meeting with an independent financial guy who rekons we can worry even less again by using a few loopholes and doing a few switcharoos with payment plans etc. I feel so much better :D
Fabulous. Have a mega weekend:D
Morning all. Got a cat update and I know who told her to clean her flat and the cat up. Pauline who walks with Nora alot said that she heard a cat crying the other day and thought it was from the garages behind but after investigating realised it was the cat in the flat (I don't really believe this) and she asked one of the other neighbours to get in touch with the woman to see to her cat. So the woman came out and said that she'd had a call from the RSPCA to clean up the flat and blinds (hence the blinds looking cleaner). So she's done that to satisfy the RSPCA and now swanned off back to her boyfriends leaving the cat alone again for who knows how long! At least its in better conditions for a bit, I hope she keeps on top of it and starts visiting it a bit more. Finger crossed.

Its a beautiful day here. Hope everyone has a nice saturday
Why is she keeping the cat? She should either take it with her or hand it in to the RSPCA!
Pretty nice here today too. I'm off to get the holiday washing done.
I know Lisa, my thoughts exactly. I've never actually met her face to face but if I did I would be telling her. I can't believe the other neighbours haven't had proper words with her. Surely if she had any common sense she would either take the cat with her or give it up. Stupid obviously.

I'm just taking 5. Been bleaching all my kitchen, tiles, microwave, cuboards, the lot. I stink of bleach and I think I may have ruined my top but I didn't like it that much any way.

John is away having work done on the car. He phoned me before to say that was gonna be more expensive than expected as a whole exhaust is needed not just a box or something. Also the garage have broken a hose on the car when they were changing the oil and can't get the part til monday, which means John will be getting the bus to work on Monday. They are paying for the part of course as it was their fault, bloody inconveinient and of course the cost of the exhaust I'm not even gonna think about. Quite pleased Im having a cleaning day as it helps I think. Got all of the conservatory windows as I clean in the kitchen and it's lovely
Hi Rach - sounds like you're working hard, come and do my place when you're done? :)

And really pleased the money situation has brightened for you - and I just bet a fab job will come up for you very soon xxx
I would love to come clean your kitchen, I have my energy again that I was moaning I didn't have the other day. I got all of the hoovering, polishing and washing floors done too. Good day indeed. And I had an extra £20 in my account when I went shopping earlier. Lovely.

John and his Bro are watching the build up to the David Haye fight. I will watch when the fight is on. They are munching crisps and chocolate. John's bro could eat whatever he wanted I think as he's a tennis coach and just burns it all off. I wish I'd got some wine at the shops. I always fancy a drink when its been nice and today has been lovely
2.25am. I had a migraine through the day so went to bed and now I can't sleep. It's the second migraine Ive had in a couple of week. To help myself feel better I had a Magnum :) It was lovely. I think it was the combination of wine the night before then sitting out in the sun so a bit of dehydration maybe.

I'm so tired but too hot right now to go to bed. I'll just surf for a bit and hopefully sleep will come eventually.
oh poor you hope you are feeling better soon!!
Hiya Rach, hope you are feeling better today. Think the warm weather will break too
Hi All
Yes I got to sleep about 3.30am and managed to lie in as well. Migraine free today so thats good.

I don't know where my time is going at the minute, but all is ok really. Nothing major to report. Hope everyone is well x
Hiya Rach - glad to hear you're feeling better. Have a good day;)
Hi All

It was weighin today and I've lost another 1lb. I'm quite pleased with that as I haven't been good this week, I've had a magnum and chips, not at the same time tho lol.

I've had a nice day, and tonight John is off to football so I think I'm gonna have a pamper session. I've been using that Ultralift cream that Lisa gave the link for the free samples and my skin is great right now, so thanks Lisa.

Isn't it just. I was just looking at your diary are you coming up North?
Yes got passport clearance from the Border Agency :)

A few of us are meeting at Vicky's - want to meet? Expect drunkenness, silliness and general debauchery (if I can remember how!)
we are going to the metro on saturday when ive picked Suze up. you fancy meeting there for a coffee or you are very welcome to come to mine later for drinks and nibbles (some legal some not ;) )???? go on you know you want to xxx