Completely unrelated to SW or weight loss rant!


Full Member
People just really wind me up!!! My best friend and her partner have just got back from travelling for 6months and all they're doing is moaning about England and how rubbish everything is... saying it's being taken over by immigrants, full of corrupt politicians, with a crap health service blah blah blah. Basically taking their wordly views from the Daily Mail (no offence to anyone who reads this!). Its got to the point where it really really winds me up and i find it hard ot keep my mouth shut.

Yes England has immigrants who are, on balance, good for the economy and not benefit cheats like the media would have us believe. Yes there are corrupt politicans (where aren't there!?) but there are also genuine politicians who actually want to make a difference and do right by the British people - being the Prime Minister is really not the easiest job in the world you know, and yes there may be waiting lists on the NHS but at least we HAVE a national health service that everyone can use, regardless of income.

AHHHHHHH. sorry for the moan but i needed to get it off my chest. im getting utterly peed off with all this 'England bashing' lately, we have it so good compared to over 75% of the population across the rest of the world!!

And breathe.......
Well, good for you, hayleyw!!!!

I worked in politics most of my working life, and although there are some stories I could tell about some politicians (if I hadn't signed something or other to stop me!), the vast majority of those I met worked really hard, dealing with all sorts of constituency problems and really making a difference to the lives of people they helped. And their staff (yes, including family members) worked their socks off too. (In fact, in my experience, family members worked harder than most, as they literally took their work home with them!)

Yes, there are all sorts of things that are wrong here, but there are a great many more that are right.
I've always felt this. The only thing I hate about this country, is the climate. I do love a hot summer. BUt there is so much that is great about this country. The self hate is mostly pushed by certain papers. Even the expenses things made me laugh. Yeah it's not right, but if the most corrupt thing our politicians get up to is fiddling their expenses, then we're laughing surely. Mind you I'm not convinced itis, but it is more transparent than most countries. I love immigration. Yeah it has not been handled perfectly. It has enriched our nation no end, in my opinion. Uf you don't like it, get out! There's plenty that do, that's why they are risking life and limb to get here!!
