
I know, and you are quite right to walk out. Again I had to go into the Co Opand I am sure they know when I am coming, there was such a smell of fresh warm bread I ran out of there.
ummm mark are you trying to tempt me hehe score for the blue team lol
I am, can actaully smell it as I am writing this, nothing like fresh warm bread and rolls. Go for it girl, we will then be 2 up.

Don't you dare.
Im being a good girl mark want to look good for when we all meet up cant have you looking better than me.. hehe
Rose believe me there is absolutely no chnace of that.
Calli, I have friend like that, eats and drinks as much as he likes and never puts on weight. Bugs the crap out of me.
im cooking for the kids and it smell great . Why oh why do i have to be chunky :sigh:
Looking at your Picture, chunky is gooooood, Rose it is the way we were made and nothing is going to change that, we can change our image by doing what we are doing but we are who we are.
Thanks mark , im green with envy at those people who can eat what they like . I love food . Im changing the way i think about food and how it controls me im not gonna let that happen again . when i start to eat again it will be healthy food that i enjoy and maybe the odd treat once a week .
Aww no Mark dont talk about bread lol. Id only just got the thought of fresh baked tiger bread with lurpak and pate out of my head! And after my day in the garden it would go down a treat! instead i am facing a tomato and basil arghhhh haha. Treating myself to a can of caffiene free diet coke tonight tho woohoo, lol
Rose my friend does that. she just lost nearly 5 stone on Cambridge diet. She now eats a low calorie diet mon-fri, and has what she likes at the weekend. she said the thouht of never having a treat was horrible so she does that. shes maintained her weight loss now for almost 5 months so its working for her! I reckon i'll do somethin similar, we all need a treat, just got to be good before we get it haha
yeah mandy your right we do need a little treat other wise we will binge . Im looking forward to my future with a healthy new me x
sorry Carly lol. the thought of it has been driving me nuts since i smelt it freshly baked in asda. i swear i coulda cried. now cos ive been out in the garden all day and its getting on a bit ive treated the little man to his favourite sweet n sour chicken balls and rice from the chinese....yet again i could cry. LOL...ahh the joys
aww hun please don't be i know you can get easily get back on the wagon...and that is the most important thing which you have done so well done....i am really proud of you and liek others have said you are only human and human's make don't wori about have done soo well and i know you will make it to goal in no time..:D
hope so priya but this detox sh** get u down also don;t it, u have all those horrid feelings weaning off food again until ketosis kicks in, roll on tues when hopefully i will be in ketosis and beat the cravings.
Yeah i know the feeling hun but don't worri you will b into ketosis soon and you never coz you have restarted technically your new loss for the new week might be big again coz you have you can say started from scratch again after puttin food into your system if that kind of makes sense...:S....don't know if that would happen though for defoo but either way hun you don't have a lot left to lsoe to get to goal hun u will defoo get there before your holiday i think :D
It's not like you ordered a double Kabab and chips with a side order of a bargin bucket of KFC.......:17729:

I used to eat a whole packet of Choccy Biscuits in one go, so, to be honest you are a bit of a lightweight in the biccy scoffing league! Get back on the shakes tomorrow and forget about it...:cool:
