Hey guys,
Really starting to think about after ive lost all my weight. With me going to Miami in April im going to need to look as good as I can so I wanna have as least saggy skin and stretch marks as possible so I can at least consider wearing a bikini.
Theres a new gym opening right by my house and its just £110 for the whole year (around £9 a month) so im seriously considering joining. Even if i only manage to go twice a week, im still doing something. Ive also just bought some bio oil for my stretch marks and scars on my stomach from previous operations, waiting for it to come so havnt tried it out yet. Has anybody else tried bio oil?? Any opinions on it??
Todays Menu
Breakfast - tinned macarel in tomato sauce and a quarter of a melon
Lunch - piri piri fridge raiders (1.5 syns) and an apple
Dinner - Aldi thai salmon fish cake with sweet chili sauce (2.5 syns) with salt and pepper chips, carrots, brocolli and cauliflower

I LOVE salt and pepper chips! Theyre one of my faves! This is how you make them.
Chip 4 large potatoes (for 4 servings) and you can either boil them in salted water for 5 mins or for quickness you can microwave them for 5 mins, mix them and then put in for another 5 mins.
Drain the chips, if boiled, then season them with salt, pepper and a tbsp of chinese five spice. Spray a baking tray with fry light and put the chips on. Then spray the chips. Put in a preheated oven
(fan oven 180 degrees) for 10 mins, turn them over and put in for another 10 mins. While there in the oven, fry off a diced onion, chopped pepper and half of a chilli pepper (depending on how spicey you like it! leave out the seeds if you dont like it too spicey) in a wok, then when they are cooked, add some crushed garlic (we dont have a garlic crusher as off yet so i finely grate a clove of garlic into the pan). Once the chips are gorgeous and golden, put the hole lot into the pan and give it a good mix. Then add a tbsp of powdered sweetener and give it another good mix. They are amazing!