Step 1 Sole Source Confessions of a serial CWP returner

I'm supposed to be doing SS but can't get into a good stride. So using the skinny sprinkles to try and help me. They are defo helping in that regard but I've cocked up the water as I said. I feel like a dry sponge.
Don't beat yourself up, if you get back on top of it your body will catch up! As you've done this before you know you can do it, just need to get in the right headspace and anything that helps with that is great.
Well just done 30 minutes UFC fitness on the xbox kinnect. Surely that means I'm cured now. Scarily it shows your body mass as a green gloominous image. It's enough to make me put the Easter eggs away on top of the cupboard. I look like slimer!!!

So. I have to make a decision dear readers. What can I do. Resign
Myself to this gelatinous blob forever or recommit to CWP?

Since my other half has given up his job due to "stress" I'm in a bit of a financial pickle. So the cost is my biggest concern. I can't afford to wash down a handful of malteasers with a choc mint shake anymore.

If I really commit I could do 12 magical weeks. But then I would have to actually do it. I'm letting all this other stuff deter me. Stress with my husband who is so irresponsible being the primary factor. I guess I'm tired of being the caretaker. I mean who gives up a job in this world??? He then tells me he is setting up a business. I'm like eft?!!!!!!

Anyway. It's a stressful time. But I refuse to be like this one more summer holiday.

So I'm going to need lots of moral support and accountability help. If I don't post it means I've gone haywire. So expect lots of innane crap from me.
Well if it helps bettiesrevenge, I'll check you're here every day, so if you're falling off the wagon I'll know! There's always a good reason not to do it, but surely being happy is a better reason? You being unhappy and stressed doesn't make anything any better, the only one suffering is you.

I'm on day 11 and 11lbs down, and that'll be you in 11 days from now, looking forward to congratulating you on it!
Jo you know what. You sound so super focused!!!! I love it.
And you can be super focused too because you've done it before! The food will still be there in 12 weeks, and you don't want to meet each week wishing you'd started last week after a week of food you didn't want anyway and wasted packs because you haven't been 100%. I so want you to do this!
It's so awful to think that I I had stuck to plan in march I could now be over a stone lighter.

I've got to do this.
I've got to do this.
I've got to do this.

I'm making a choice to be health. To our myself up front and centre

Jo - see you on the flip. It's game on
Its not awful if you start right now. Stop eating, start drinking water, weigh yourself in the morning, and start counting down the days until a month later when you're saying 'thank goodness I started when I did'..

And if you need to carry on using the skinny sprinkles don't use them as an excuse not to stick to plan. If anything, if they are dehydrating you, they're hindering your progress.

Last Wednesday I thought to myself 'Oh I can't start on Thursday, that doesn't make sense, I'll wait til Monday' but starting tomorrow makes perfect sense, and thats what I did and so relieved I chose to put aside my excuses and commit 100%. This plan can't be half hearted, it's all or nothing girl and I'm glad you've chosen all!
well here we are day fact I am not going to say day 1...its a continuation of my mission to change myself.

I saw a picture of myself yesterday and I am soooo in denial...or maybe I have just been so overwhelmed with the enormity of it all.

I have to find a way through this.

I think that I am going to rename my thread "Just for today" ok so I am ripping off AA/NA but that's all I can commit to at the moment...Just for today. It seems when I make these grand plans I fall well and truly off the wagon.

That in mine, just for today I am going to have 3 packs, just for today I am going to drink 3 ltrs of water and just for today I am going to stay on plan. :)
Great approach, you can definitely achieve that today. Anything beyond that just feels really overwhelming doesn't it, I know the feeling!

Liking the new signature, and the last few weeks were a success too because you're 3lbs down, and if that has stayed off its proper fat loss not water loss. That 3lbs is still a week less of plan.

Looking forward to seeing how your 100% day goes.
Second shake and another 500 ml bottle of water. Which makes me 1.5 litres down so far.

Feeling a little anxious/irritated today, OH is playing up.. He is full on ADHD today. Sure he knows when I'm planning to have a good day. He goes into erratic mode.

But going out in the sun in a bit so hopefully I will feel better. I'm finding the kicking and screaming of the UFC kinnect game surprisingly theraputic. Though I'm dressed with my face on now so can't go and do it.

Later no doubt!!!
Wow definitely looking good to make today a success!

Frustrating when the world seems set to sabotage you - BUT - would eating feel worse or better?

Maybe better for a split second then much much worse. So keep on drinking that water and smile sweetly and say 'yes dear'!
That's in sta gram...

On my way to conway... Grumbly tummy...ran out of water but 2ltrs down so far and need a bathroom break!!!
You're half way through your day goal! Hope you're feeling pleased.
Did well. Had another litre of water. Feeling very pleased with myself. But the night is yet young!

Saw my future house though... Check this out

You'll get there, will this be your first 100% day for a while? If you manage today, you know you can do tomorrow, and the day after too.

WOW party (food and drink free obviously!) at yours?
Yeah sure just got to evict the occupants though.

It will be my first 100% day in a long time! Well a few weeks at least...

I will be chuffed if I get through today with no bread, no cake, no chocolate and no milk. My 4 horsemen of the apocalypse.
Ha they better get a move on!

Well thats definitely something to be proud of, how you doing now? Avoiding the Horsemen?!
Watching Game of thrones...normally snack time but drinking water and feeling ok.

Here is my quote for the day