Thanks everyone
Glad to hear I'm not the only one with pictures. My mirror image is much better than the pictures I see, but that certainly needs a lot of work too

Squeezy, I totally forgot about the peppermint tea in the cupboard
So I did a test and I got a 2nd faint line (apparently indicates early pregnancy) but I've done some research and evaporation lines are often present, although they're usually grey (mine was blue) and they usually show up after about 10 minutes (mine came up straight away) but I still think its a false positive. We are very careful so it's highly unlikely. I think it's probably more to do with digestion, possibly IBS because it hurts more when I eat, etc.
I was up at 5:30am again, eek! Looks nice out so I think I'll go for a walk down to the beach. I really need to start taking advantage of the scenery around here. I went down to the marina and walked along the beach at 6am the other day. So peaceful! It's a shame my cats aren't dogs so I could take them with me
So yesterday I had way too much bread! I could live on sandwiches lol.
Ham and pickle ready made sandwich
450, oatmeal bread x2, ham, cucumber
284, ready brek and milk mixed with fruit salad
225 another oatmeal bread x2, ham, fruit salad
336. Total:
1295 I don't like it being that high :/
Hope we all melt some flab today!