I always make my own bread (in a machine usually) have done so for over 10 years now. Still buy the odd Pitta, Naan, wrap etc but certainly not sliced bread! I should add that I am German (but been here 20++ years) so my idea of proper bread differs somewhat from what you get by default in the UK (I know it's getting better if you're prepared to pay a premium). And sorry Jo, 'Pain complet' is not it either
. At least not the Pain complet I get in a bakery in Brussels (my parents live there). I need proper Graubrot, Schwarzbrot, Roggenbrot. Dense bricks
. In any case 40gr is not exactly going to be much! I just cut a 'medium' slice of the 50% Wholemeal with linseed I have sitting in the cupboard - it weighs 76gr!! So a 100% wholemeal and Rye will be denser and weigh even more
So yes, I'm still making bread for the family but I don't get to have any :cry:. At least I will be able to control what's *in* my bread if I ever get to have some on reaching conso!
I have also got a recipe here for making 6 portions (6 days) of 'Dukan bread' (from oatbran, wheatbran, eggs as usual!) in the machine, but not been brave enough to try. If it works I'll let you know.