Constipation (information & treatment options)

Online or Holland & Barratt. It's a preventative so don't use if you are bunged up at the moment. It's powder or tablets, I prefer the tablets.
Online or Holland & Barratt. It's a preventative so don't use if you are bunged up at the moment. It's powder or tablets, I prefer the tablets.

..and I prefer the flakes.. I put them in a chocolate shake and it makes it thicker.. don't add too much though cause it makes it slimy.. but a little is lovely.. and works an absolute treat!!
i went to the drs and got ome medication taking that a few times a day is making my life a lot easier
The only thing that helps me is Dulcolax (the small balls not tablets) but be warned you will feel like you have been kicked in the stomach!!
I used to take psyllium capsules to help with digestion, etc, but can I take them whilst on slimming world or will they contribute to syns
Omg took pills last night for constipation was up at five with belly ache but feel whole loads better now thankfully :mad:)
im only on day 9 not had any symptoms of constipation yet...not looking forward to it though if it does happen :( lots of good advice and support on here though so thats good :)
Has my first experience of constipation this morning which is day 8 of SS for me! Bad tummy ache and without being graphic after a few attempts no chance of passing anything as it was too painful so off to the chemist who gave me glycerin capsules to 'insert' worked like a charm within 30 mins, just for those of you who are already bunged up and in pain its not most pleasant experience but a real relief! And I will be getting some laxatives from now on to stop it happening again?
Constipation (information & treatment options)

Thank you! This has been a massive help. I'm so scared of constipation and it's already happened on day 3. Psyllium husks to the rescue! Definitely don't want it to happen again. I'm also going to try some chilli powder and cayenne pepper in my soup tomorrow. :)
Yes they are recommended on CWP web page. I had terrible constipation the first week and these worked wonders! Worth a try.
Constipation (information & treatment options)

I'm meeting my consultant for the first time tonight and wonder if I should buy the tub of fibre straight away or should I wait and pray I dodge the constipation? Has anyone found that psyllium husks or other supplements are more effective than the Cambridge fibre? ~Cas x
Psyllium husk is the best! I put a table spoon full in my shake every morning before blending it & haven't had any problems yet. Been on CWP 2 weeks now & lost 11lbs :)