Hi Claire,
Thanks for asking, well all sorted at last, and back to normal'ish..LoL
This is a bit TMI so be warned ...
The Movicol on Friday didn't give any results apart from more wind.. :sigh:
On Saturday I decided to try something different and resorted to getting some of my Mum's old remedy Milk of Magnesia and had a big dose of that early Saturday.
Well.....was in Tesco later in the morning getting last New Years eve shopping done and suddenly had the most audible and rushing gurgle, almost made the mistake of thinking it was wind again and relieving the pressure..thank g*d I didn't..lol! :sign0137:
I left my trolly in the isle and rushed to the ladies loo, clenched cheeks and a prayer to the sphincter muscles on the way!
Barely made it!!!
I had to go home and resume shopping after a bit of a hygiene change of smalls ..LoL, well got a result even if my dignity suffered a little..LoL
I will keep to a maintenance regime of JUST Movicol now!
Well what an introduction..