Morning Andi,how r u doing.What Mini said to u is soooo right if only i had not given up on myself and been contented with tiny losses.
Although i have rejoined Sw it is mainly to get weighed but diet wise beacuse i have a few medical probs i am going to follow the low gi diet but also integrated with lots of natural foods to try and reverse the health probs i have,i read a wicked book called the "diet doctors inside and out" and it amazed me and also shocked me to see what damage i have done to my body and organs by eating rubbish for so many years.
Are u doing Paul M,if so how r u doing on it.Looking forward 2 chatting 2 u,hope u have a good day xx
Morning Geri,how r u doing hun,what u been up 2,seem to miss u online most of the time.
How is ssing going for u,will try and catch up with u later xxxx
Morning Irene,hows r u doing and how has ur week been.Hope u have a good weeknd xx
Well like i said been reading the diet doctors inside and out and i realise what damage i have caused by over eating and how lacking of nutrients my body is so that is something i inted to change as of now.
Also i want 2 work very hard on learning to accept myself and not be bothered what others say or think as i think that is one of the reasons why i dont go out very often.
I would luv 2 drop 2 clothes sizes by christmas so i can wear some of the lovely clothes i have in my wardrobe and not be restricted like i am now,and the clothes i cant wear are all brand new from a size 32 down to a size 22 never been touched.
Well am off now hope u all have a good day.
I have put a campaign up in the news thread called" the million children" it is a campaign run by "Shelter Charity" and its just asking for signatures so they can raise awareness to how many children and families are threatened with eveiction from their homes and alot of them end up homeless or living in apalling situations.
So pls could u spare 2 mins and sign the campaign its for such a good cause,thanks xxxxx