Cooking and not eating


Rebel without a calorie
Well here I am again at dinner time distracting myself on the forum. This is always my most difficult time. Does anyone else feel like this or is that a silly question?!
I have cooked a meal and no-one is here to eat it yet. Grr.... have had to put it in the micro to stop myself from picking at it.
I'm looking forward to adding a meal next week and have made a list of what I can have.
For now I'm off to make a vanilla shmousse :wave_cry:
Oh Dietkitty, you ae not alone, I have to cook for wife and whether she eats it straight away or later it still has an affect. But hang in there.
Oh hun, I hear you on this one! I'm home alone with the kids until the end of July so I have to cook for them and it is jolly hard. Even their cheese on toast, which I normally can't be bothered with, smelt heavenly this afternoon.
But keep it up, distract yourself...I swear by going upstairs to my bedroom and trying on clothes until they're done :)
My coping mechanism is to put washing up liquid and water in the pans as soon as I dish up then insist everyone scrapes their plates off into the bin. If only they would learn to put plates in the dishwasher and switch it on!
I cook knowing I will one day be able to taste it again. Makes me appreciate food again :)
man it can be hard, i was round my mum's tonight with hubby and kids, they were all sitting down for tea,,which i had made cause my mum was tired bless her!! so i sat there with the dreaded tom basil soup, jazzed up with so much chilli it was burning my mouth, but at least i couldn't taste it then he he, i just find i have to keep thinking of the end goal, and remembering i have chosen this.. i want family barby on sun so let the fun continue lol.. i love the saying "slim feels better than food tastes" take care love c x
With the T&B soup, I add chilli (but not too much), mild curry powder, garlic flakes, salt and pepper (sometimes a little paprika too) Basically, I add what I would add to a normal curry. And, fresh coriander. If I have not got fresh I add coriander powder. The soup acts as my tomato base. It makes it taste really yummy and thickens it a little :)

Plus, always doing my soups in a pan, makes me feel as if I am cooking. So, it satisfies that side. I then use a nice bowl, so I feel as if I am having a treat, not just eating low calorie soup lol
will try the curry powder, think i'm getting a bit of a bloke with this tom and basil, letts see if that will change it for me thanks c xx
Good luck :) I guess I alter it beyond recognition....But I read herbs and spices would have to be eaten by a much larger amount than we would eat them to add calories x
I sit here writing this with that warm smug glowing feeling of the saintly!

Today I have made batches of gooey chewy (apparently) soft chocolate chunked cookies..

biscuits, fairy cakes and and and and and just made the house a rather naughty fry up of bacon sausages eggs warm crusty but soft in the middle rolls for a late brunch... and not for one single moment was I tempted in the slightest.. no cravings, no yearning.. I was just so happy to be making things to make others happy and not one crumb, spoon or finger tip was place in my mouth! (sorry the fingertip licking isn't meant to sound saucy ;))

Just wanted to say... to those on the first few days... It does get better.. I was struggling with the smells of food and hunger pangs.. but now.. nothing!! so so so so so in love with ketosis heheeh

I think you need a :winner: for resisting that temptation!! Well done!!
I have 3 children and a partner who i have to cook for , so im hoping that temptation doesnt overcome me because i dont want to fail . I want this so bad x
Its hard isnt it? I have to cook for my son and im finding myself making him things i dont like, just to make it easier. Wont be like this forever, i guess it'll get easier as time goes on. Tonight tho, hes having lasagne and garlic bread and im seriously questioning why i chose to make him that....cos its making my tomato and basil soup look even worse than it already did, if thats possible lol
Yep, I gotta cook for the wife, hard man hard. Everyday I get cravings, soon stop though, her plaster come of in 10 days then another few days and she will start doing her own cooking while I am not there.
Sigh Babystar.. have you not learned heheh we don't mention the tomato and basil around lovely charming Mark.. or he gets all drooly for it!

We mention tomato curry soup :D yummmyyy throw everything into it thats spicy and peppery I enjoy mine now hehe xxx