Cosmicangel has landed, Diary and Ramblings.

Today. ...
Took my cereal to work, eat that at 10am
Lunch - Beef salad sandwich
Shape yoghut, Wild Mushroom cuppa soup, apple,
Then there is the 1/2 pint skimmed milk 100 cals far so good, not sure about tea yet, however I have been put on 1620 cals so I will total this later (no idea how I cam going to eat food under 5% fat in this quantity.... VODKA ???) hahaha
I am here, did you miss me?:p
I have tried not to focus on food every day (between meals that is)
Saturday, I had my cereal before we went out, I had a MCD plain basic burger and diet coke (no chips) tea was a Chicken kebab with lots of salad and chilli sauce and 2 glasses of vino
Sunday.. well I had bacon buttie, chicken breast wrapped in bacon and some home made wedges and veg cooked in tomato sauce,
Monday..Mmmmmm. Bacon salad sandwich, oh yes ham salad sandwich lots of fruit before and after a shape yoghut, and a healthy eating sweet & sour chicken with rice and stir fry veg.. and some prunes, and a bit of dry stollen
Tuesday I had Yoghut, chicken sandwich.. tub of ministrone soup, with w/m bread and more prunes, orange pear and prunes.
Today I had fruit.. ham salad sandwich, bit of dry stollen and now I am having dry fry w w sausages with onions in rolls....
I am very pleased to say I lost 2 1/2 lbs this week:party0016:I have eat more, as my calories are 1600 and I have mainly kept to under the 5% fat rule. I dont think I have exceeded the 1600 each day. I did need the prunes and soup last night (body was a bit idle) and I haven't realy felt hungry either.
I was spured on Saturday by booking a trip on my holiday, its a train journey from one side of Australia to the other... now before you think.. oh there she goes bragging again *haha* like lots of people life has been hard for me, and this will be my first big trip out side of Europe.. and I want to enjoy it, never had the money before, so shift some of this bulk, then hopefully next yr when I have a holiday I will be normal !!!
Right sausages are ready.. MmMmmMmm
thankyou sweetee xx
Slipped into a time warp tonight, was watching a programme Ashes to Ashes, 1981.. do you know I still have a pair of size 13 jeans from back then ? I never thought of myself as slim, always had a bad image of myself, but looking back on the photo's a few years ago, I found out I wasn't bad at all !:sigh:
I got married in 83, (for the first time) children followed in 84 (got slim)and 87, divorced Christmas 92 and reinvented myself slim for a year .. then things went to pot, and I never got the weight all off again, hit a few milestones (and another wozzer of a ex husband aka Richard Headly cira 1996-2000).. and here I am, tired.. but ready to reclaim my life.. well it started over 2 years ago, but I have been unhappy with my weight, it has held me back because I cant do everything I want to do ! After loosing a few pounds I am almost at the weight when I met my lover a couple of years ago, now i have something I want to do for myself and get my confidence back to full strength ! :)

Bring it on !!! Hang on life.. Im coming......​
Friday I was bad.. I couldnt walk past a buffet platter at work. Friday night I paid for it, tummy cramps. I also dreamed one of my sons died... it was all a mix up of memories, and bl00dy nasty. Saturday I felt ill all day, and needed stodge for tea to settle my tummy, so I had some pizza. Tonight I am not sleeping well, tummy is bloated and telling me off, really depressed with myself. Weight hasnt gone up, I suppose I ate all my calories in 3 slices of pizza (and a small piece of chocolate cake).. its probably the fat chundering around.
It doesnt help living in a untidy place the kitchen and its rebuilding in cluttering the lounge.
Im in need of a cuddle, but he's having angry dreams (I think its a battle with the kitchen):cry:I must get my act together. Going to finish my diet coke and sneek back into bed.....:wave_cry: Tomorrow is another day x
just to say these phases pass - okay they come back again, but they pass again, unless its a new thing for you?
with you on the housework too, if i know theres things need doing i lie there worrying about stuff - you know how much better you feel within yourself just by having everything done = tidy house, settled mind, been good on your calories you can go to bed feeling smug, then days when you cheat but youre still hungry you feel like s**t, and it plays on your mind constantly!
maybe i am dumping my own stuff on your thread (sorry) but if you can sympathise, well it means here at 6am you arent the only one sitting up feeling it.
Thanks (once again) Rowanx2 x

I did sneek back to bed, and felt better for sharing my blues here.
I gave up on trying to live in a ideal home when my sons were teenagers, it stressed me too much, and I know things will be better once the kitchen is finished (its the one thing that needed doing when we brought it 18 mths ago). I also know excess carbs give me the blues, make me sluggish etc. The sun is out this morning, and its not giving me the feel good factor it should/always does.
I also have other things going on, a friend who's time is quickly running out and lives a distance away etc
I am not hungry, I just gave in to comfort food, and was regretting it with each mouthful, my slimming buddy watched me and I just shrugged my shoulders *Im telling* she said, and I reverted to childish-ness:p
Dump all you want girl :banghead: its better than me trying to explain away to myself, I switch off !! :rolleyes:
1/2stone lost in 1month

:D I am pleased to say, I weighed in tonight with 1/2 lb lost, which means I am on track. Been a bit of a struggle this week after having the whoopsie over the weekend.. then BT played about with our phone line. So I am 1/2 stone down, doesn't seem much, compared with all the other diets, but at least I get to eat some food I enjoy, and I am getting my veg into me, and plenty of fruit, I dont think I look as grey these days. Tonight even my knees stood up to the prancing about for 45 mins, and I even got a bit bouncy:rolleyes:. I am happy with myself.

I have allowed myself a couple of brandy's in my black coffee this week, and tonight as a treat (well it wasnt really, cause I am still within my calories as I had a very busy day, and didnt have time to eat everything) low fat sausages, bacon, tomatoes, dippy egg and mushrooms all dry fried, with a slice of bread, I am stuffed !! I did the same for my other half, and he didnt know it was all healthy "Oh tomatoes, that looks healthy" hahaha. I did look at a take away menu... and thought.... no, I will keep that money to buy myself something :cool:
Really appreciate the support I have had, Cheers xx​
I havent been about, been watching it a bit, however, my friend died of Cancer 3 weeks ago and it knocked my socks off, to put it lightly. :cry:
Anyway, I went for weigh in tonight (and 2 weeks ago) no exercise, minus 1 1/2lb both times, so thats still 3lb loss in 4 weeks, looks pathetic, but its better than a gain and makes a total of 10lb lossed, if I knuckle down I could still reach my target for my trip, hey ho ! I dont want to slipback and just aim for the stone mark.
I am away alone this weekend, well without the other half, off to visit my sons (sort of student lands) youngest is 21 next week, so I am havng a weekend travelling and not eating rubbish I hope ! I know I can get a mean chicken kebab with tons of salad, tomato chilli sauce and will take them out for a meal and have something like fish (noooo not fish and chips:D) if I avoid the naughties (like pizza, cakes, bread... chocolate) I will be ok.
I was having probs with the diet 4 weeks ago, my tummy felt I had an alien in it, all the ruffage had an adverse effect, I had to cut down on the bran and fruit.. I was scared every time I ate...... I have a security door to pass at work before I can access a over subscribed loo due to a master refit going on on the floor above, anyway, I now have to add a bit, till I find my comfort zone... instead of uncomfort !:sigh:
My kitchen at home still hasnt been fitted, its been a *poop* a long job, lack of access and amienities at times, I have used ready low fat micro meals bulked out with frozen veg (except for after the funeral last week, when I ate 2 chicken & stuffing pasties, 1 mars bar, crisps (while driving) followed by a whole large pepperami pizza and as much hagan das blackforest icecream I could get down my neck before feeling sick!)..and brought cooked chicken to have with salad, not having a kitchen sink doesnt help, well I have one tonight, and should have taps, but there is something wrong now with the connectors :eek:
Right, I have caught up !
Hope everyone is well.... off to find a mug I can use again, and a teaspoon... night!:wave_cry: