Couch to 5k challenge


Silver Member
Is there a slimming world group attempting this yet? I've saw it on the cd forum but not slimming world! I'd live to give it ago but need support or I'll give in!!
RealMissP said:
sounds interested - have you a link to the other forum post?

I'll send it as soon as I log on to my laptop I'm on my phone at the min! I'm actually starting the couch to 10k challenge cos I found the app for my phone and it starts off easier 30 secs jogging and 4 mins 30 walking repeated (more recovery time)
Can I join you please? Nearly joined the CD one untill I realised that there were no SW people on it!! I downloaded the couch to 5k app today as I've signed up for Race for Life in May.
I'm hoping and can persuade my skinny but possibly equally unfit friend to join me!

Not sure I'll persuade her though and could do with a bit of fellow motivational spirit to keep me going!!! X
I'll join :D

I started the C25K back in November and was doing well until all the snow came :( ...... and I have not started it again since :(

For motivation I have entered myself into a 10K run in June with a girl from work who does lots of running. I'm going to start again this weekend. I'm thinking 8 weeks to complete the 5K one and then another 8 weeks to build myself up to 10K.

Good luck everyone and keep posting your progress on here. Also post if you are having a hard time getting your bum out the door and I'm sure one of us will give it a kick!!!! :D:D
Great things, I'm going to use the couch to 10k as it started off with less running!!
I'm starting in morning as hubby wanted to grocery shop tonight which is a first so jumped at chance to get all my heavy healthy goodies as I don't drive
I'll join :D

I started the C25K back in November and was doing well until all the snow came :( ...... and I have not started it again since :(

For motivation I have entered myself into a 10K run in June with a girl from work who does lots of running. I'm going to start again this weekend. I'm thinking 8 weeks to complete the 5K one and then another 8 weeks to build myself up to 10K.

Good luck everyone and keep posting your progress on here. Also post if you are having a hard time getting your bum out the door and I'm sure one of us will give it a kick!!!! :D:D[/QUOTE
i think i might do it that way have downloaded the 10k app but have just been thinking it might be too much too soon so c5k might be easier!!

what days will everyone train on
hubbys raring to go (well push me into it) so im off out for week1 day 1 tight now!! Not looking forward to this he's actually already a runner ( he did a 6 mile cross country race today) but will be back in half an hour to let you know if i survived LOL
whoop whoop week 1 day 1 done ladies it wasnt as bad as i thought but try to run with a partner as i found chatting on the walks made it pass quicker. im soo proud. i think we should make a list of everyone in challenge and what they've achieved so far! here goes feel free to add to the list as you join/complete days#

karen.hat (week1 day 1 complete) :D
whoop whoop week 1 day 1 done ladies it wasnt as bad as i thought but try to run with a partner as i found chatting on the walks made it pass quicker. im soo proud. i think we should make a list of everyone in challenge and what they've achieved so far! here goes feel free to add to the list as you join/complete days#

Well done xx What time did you go out and do it!?!

I think you're better starting with the 5K one as the 10K ones that I looked at were a continuation for the people that had done the 5K or were fairly competant runners. I'm going to do my first run tonight when I take DS to football training. I'm going to start off on week two though, as I have done some running before and I have been exercising a lot in the last 2 weeks. I can always drop back if it is too much.

I prefer running on my own though, as I can go at my pace and not worry about anyone else. I put my tunes on and I'm off :D

karen.hat (week1 day 1 complete):D
Margery Dawe (week2 Day 0)
It was about ten o clock ish!!
I'd been putting it off and putting it off so thought no time like the present! It was easier than I thought except towards the end I was ready to stop so had to push myself a bit but I'm glad I had to
Karen.hat said:
It was about ten o clock ish!!
I'd been putting it off and putting it off so thought no time like the present! It was easier than I thought except towards the end I was ready to stop so had to push myself a bit but I'm glad I had to

That's when you know it's doing you some good, when you have to push just that little bit more.

I won't be going out tonight as I've come home from work poorly and I'm now tucked up in bed :-(
Hi all, I am doing C25K in preparation for a Race for Life in June.

It's been slow going so far - did Week 1 twice, as I didn't feel up to moving on, and have now progressed to week 2.

I have the NHS podcast - very good. Week 1 for me was 5 mins brisk walking, 8 X 1 min jogging, 1.30 walking and then another 5 mins walking. Week 2 is 5 mins walking, 6 x 1.30 jogging, 2 walking and another 5 mins walking to finish.

I am a confirmed runnerphobe - I've always hated it and also suffer from a dodgy ankle and back, so I'm really quite proud of myself depsite only being on week 2!

Still, onwards and upwards - good luck all!
well done week 2 means at least your commited to doing it,
ive just been out and done day 2 i know im supposed to do a rest day in between but my legs felt fine not a single tight muscle and i need the push as i really cant run!
on the c5k its 5 min walk to warm up 60 secs run 90 secs walk repreated for 2o mins then 5 min cool down walk
Hi everyone,

Can I join in? I've got the iPhone app for c25k but haven't gotten around to doing a full week yet! Am going to sign up for race for life again this year in memory of my lovely late mum.

I'm also doing ultimate 5 for St lukes hospice in Plymouth, that is a crazy a marathon, climb everest (I think) cycle a section of the tour de France, swim or row the English channel and walk from lands end to John o groats! All in a gym mind!

I'm not fit at all which is the best of it!lol!

I think getting my bronze award has gone to my head!

I like linking exercise to something purposeful like raising money for charity...otherwise I find it hard to justify the time away from my family....

How is everyone fitting in training/exercise in general with family life?

of course you can chick, im also doing the race for life and intend moving on to the ck10 later but starting with ck5 as im so unfit im only just managing to complete the week 1 training
just add yourself to the list and let us know what days your going to train

karen.hat (week1 day 2 complete):D
Margery Dawe (week2 Day 0)
Oh Brilliant ... Can I join too please????

I found C25k on the web a few weeks ago so my hubby and I have been out pounding the pavements !!! We are onto week 3, day 2 tomorrow so we are jogging for 3 mins and walking for 1 min ... its great ... we are enjoying it at the minute but just doing it for exercise and to see if it will help me shift the last 2 stone. So we are not rigid in running certain days due to work shifts so we just make sure we get out 3 times in the week.

Good luck to u all xxxxxx

karen.hat (week1 day 2 complete):D
Margery Dawe (week2 Day 0)
ChocolateTrish (week 3, day 1 done)