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Haven't run all week and boy did I feel it to day! Did do 30 mins 
I was running the 30 min no problem at quite a slow speed but no where near 5k so have speeded up but need to build the time up again. Managing 15 min at higher speed x
haven't booked it yet probably June/July x
helenlee2307 - thanks for the encouragement, need it, start week two tomorrow so fingers crossed, think your right though week one will be the hardest, looking forward to increasing the running times to really get into it. Good luck with your get a faster 5k, didn't know there was such a thing, maybe a good idea after completed this first one in a few weeks time!
Pepsi77 - well done too on starting and good luck, if i survived week one and am looking forward to starting week two then I'm sure anyone can do it, I too am doing it on treadmill as working times mean i would have to run on road in dark otherwise! I don't have an incline and not planning on to be honest, finding it hard enough at the mo doing the power walking bits at 4.2mph speed and the running bits at 5mph speed, i don't want to push it too soon as knowing myself so well i know i would give up if i found it impossibly hard!!
Thanks helelenlee2307. x
Kimmykins2008, thank you, I wondered if I was being too ambitious because i'm doing 4.2 mph for the walk and 5.2 mph for the run but it's good to know that someone else is doing a similar speed.
I did week 1 day 2 today, I found it quite difficult but I also did the Shred yesterday so think my dead legs could be because of that.
Day 3 on Tuesday!!
I started this on sat even though I have been going to the gym 3 time a week for 10 weeks.... this was hard.....
Done day 2 week 1 today still hard....
oh dear!!! Having a nose through all the other posts, well done everyone cant imagine getting past this week at the moment.