Couch to 5k


Gold Member
I've seen it mentioned on here before, but tonight I took the plunge and did day 1! Don't think I'd have managed this 38lb ago! I'm booking a 5k in 10 weeks to aim for!! Hoping I can use this thread to motivate me to continue!
Well done Eilidh ! :)

Anja did that a while ago and her running has gone from strength to strength :) so definitely a good programme by all accounts.

Did download it myself a few weeks ago, managed Day 1 but haven't been able to get any decent weather/time on my own recently to venture out. Hopefully get back on it in next few days :)

best of luck! x
Lessons learned tonight:

Probably better not to start at 10pm after an hour hacking on a pony! (sheer pig headedness, I said I'd start so I did!)

I need proper trainers!

Thanks alottolose! I'm not built to run but want to shock my body into toning and I'd love to be able to run a wee bit! Workmates are all doing marathons, half marathons and major runs like that, I'm taking it as inspiration to complete a 5k!
I'm built to sprint/strength, not for distances :eek: d'oh

If I was a horse (for the horse ladies on the forum:)) I'd be a little pit pony lol x
i cant even sprint :p ... i started a few weeks ago but kinda fell off the wagon lol... going to start it on monday again as i need to get fitter for running out these ponies this summer
Il cycle 5K but I wasnt designed to run! I probably could walk it lol
I'm nowhere near designed to run but it's a start! I guess it'll all help! X
probably the only one.... I LOVE RUNNING :) just not outside because I'm scared of people seeing me... :eek:
Plenty of folk see me runnin at work so I had to improve it hahaha. I'm slow and it isn't pretty but I WILL do a 5 k in June!
Thanks deece! Day 2 tomorrow so I can complete week 1 on Sunday and start week 2 tue/wed. Need to keep motivated! So if I'm not posting on here chase me!
Day 2 today of week 1! Sorer than last time! Boyfriend cycled round with me as I lumbered round so it was nice! I'm not built to run, it's hard!!
Lessons learned tonight:

Probably better not to start at 10pm after an hour hacking on a pony! (sheer pig headedness, I said I'd start so I did!)

I need proper trainers!

Thanks alottolose! I'm not built to run but want to shock my body into toning and I'd love to be able to run a wee bit! Workmates are all doing marathons, half marathons and major runs like that, I'm taking it as inspiration to complete a 5k!


If you don't have proper trainers for running please get some soon. A friend of mine used to run regularly three or four days a week and now has two plastic hips because he did it in just pumps and ran on the road. There was no cushioning in his running at all so all the impact of his feet hitting the ground went to his hips and spine :(.

I wish I could run, its supposed to be the best exercise for dropping weight and giving you a lean physique. Sadly every time I've started a programme I have extreme pain in my left hip. All the physio in the world doesn't seem to help so I've given up.
Thanks zakat! I'm being careful, I wore different trainers yesterday with better support although I'm going to buy a new pair this weekend which fit me better. Felt 100 times better last night, just muscular pain no sharp joint pain. Only running 8 mins at present but I'll take a lot of care as I increase it! Sorry to hear about your hip! I've unfortunately seen too many running injuries so I'm trying to take care! x
New trainers purchased and day 3 of week 1 couch to 5k complete! Actually felt I could have run more which is a bonus, but I'll see how I cope tomorrow! Did about 2 hours of walking today too so legs will be sore! I know I'm meant to wait 2 days to move onto week 2, but dependent on how I'm feeling I'm tempted to try tomorrow cause the rest f the week is a nightmare for fitting it in!

I CAN do this!
Hi eilidh, thought I would jump in for some support your doing great!! I never walked the length of me my life until my brother in law sadly passed away from MND 3 years ago which inspired me to run to raise money. It was hard, horrible and humiliating but......this may will be my 3rd year running it and I now looooove running!! Keep up the excellent work it will pay off in mind as well as body :) xxx
Thanks jan! I'm determined to do it-so many colleagues are running fabulous distances for charities (Inc mnd Scotland) yet I couldn't run for a bus...that will change!!
Oh eilidh it will change trust me! Even now I'm like "aw I can't be bothered tonight" but by time I've ran and sat down I feel amazing!! If you need any advice just ask I'll be glad to try and advice....get a great supporting sports bra wether small or large chested!!!! God send!! :)
Yeah that's the next plan...the ones I have are too big! Dreading week 2!! But looking forward to it at the same time!