Couch to 5k

It gets harder before it gets easier but worth it in long run!!! Also try to run on different surfaces, I got a stress fracture in my foot by running just on concrete! Need to alternate between grass, gravel, dirt etc not meaning to patronize if you already know this but it stopped me running for 6 weeks set me way back for run but still done it in good time!! Just! :)
urgh...harder!'ll be worth it eventually! Have been going to the park but sticking to paths so I may investigate grass too. Worried I'll go over on my ankle if I do much on uneven surfaces. Going to listen to my body cause I got a bit of pain in my knees again today, much less than with the old trainers but I'll watch how it goes. Going to have to take my own advice (argh) and stretch....eek! Not taking anything as patronising!! All gladly received!
Defo listen to your body! You don't need to run on all surfaces in one run, just one say grass next day gravel just so it's not repetitive on your footsie mine fell out with me! Lol only you can know how much you can do your doing amazing even getting off your bun to try it so don't let anyone else's times or distances put you off :) and don't let a friend drag u down either I done that! She did not help had to politely Ditch her as she thought it more a gossip walk than training :(
Thankfully I've not run with anyone yet, not ready for that!! When I took boyfriend he cycled as I ran. He was quite good at talking at me through each run which distracted me a bit!! 1 ear on headphones, the other getting all his chat (strangely, more than I get from him 90% of the time!)

Did you do it based on time or distance? I'm using the podcast so it's been time based so I'm unsure how that'll compare to 5k in the end?!
Haha as long as your not chatting back, save your breathing for running!! Mine to he shuffles about eyes in the tv barely listening but once outside he seems to think he's a coach from the biggest looser!! Bless him, but nearly shove him down the hill at times!! :)
Tbh when I started I ran for 2 mins walked for 2 mins ran again walked and added another minute every few days to a week so I didn't exhaust my muscles. I didn't get hung up on time as its a fun run I do not a race but built it up and now I try to best my times every year and push myself but don't over do it if starting out :) build it up and see every extra minute you can run as a triumph!! You may only run every 2 mind to begin but still cover more distance if that makes sense than just running what you can do in a oner :)
An occasional "mmmmm" back was as far as I mustered. And he gave encouragement when I struggled!

Think I'm on to 90 second runs this week so I'll see how that fares. I'm aiming for the race for life in June to do an organised 5k distance and have online mapped a run near my house which would cover 5k for the last week of prep. Contemplating finding somewhere less hilly though...the speed I'm at I'll be nowhere near that distance in the time! X
I was going to start back on my runs today but i still feel cruddy so will try tommorrow
I can't run tonight....someone definitely sent that whoosh fairy back to me! Had to come home from work as she appeared 3 times....I'm blaming a bug! x
Aw no wot a shame :( don't be too hard on yourself though u can use today as your rest day, when running always give yourself a rest day x
i could never run outside but jog with the wii, i read a report on the net about a study where they compared wii exercise in a lab against the normal one and the calories burned came out pretty equal i usually do 30 mins but once month run for a couple of hours to the equiilant distance of a marathon
Just a quick note to say WELL DONE for starting Eilidh!! DO take it slowly, personally, I definitely don't run for speed, and generally measure it by time not by distance. I think I did weeks one and two 4 times not 3 because I was just not brave enough to step up! Now you've got proper trainers that's the most important thing. and now that the weather improves you really should seek out 'green' routes rather than always run concrete/tarmac. The paths in the park, as long as they're gravel, soil or sand etc will already be softer than the road. I have run on roads all winter and am just switching back to park running now, on grass it's noticeably slower in my case, but easier on the joints in the long term.
When I started my legs ached for several weeks - it does get better and will disappear. Make sure you warm up and down by 5 mins brisk walking and do some stretching afterwards. Then suddenly after a few months my hips ached for a while, I can only guess that I was feeling more comfortable and started lengthening my stride...

What programme/podcasts are you using? I can recommend the podcasts from the NHS choices website, as well as timings they have a bit of encouragement (like "you might be feeling really tired right now but keep going, slow down if you want to but don't stop, only one more minute to go!"). Some ipod/phone apps just have audio cues to tell you when to walk and run and I really appreciated that bit of extra encouragement!

I haven't actually run for over a week at the moment because I was on holiday, but since August and up to then I did manage 3 runs a week (Mon, Thu, Sat usually), or very occasionally longer 3 or 4-day gaps. I ran on Boxing day and Easter Monday, and I always make sure to have at least 1 rest day between two runs.

I did reach the 30mins non-stop running in about 9 weeks as planned and by then I was running just over 5k in that time. If you're curious about distance there is a website called 'mapmyruns' that you can use to measure your distance, or an iphone can track your distance as well (I don't own one but I now have a Garmin sports watch...)

Anyway, if I can do it so can you. I always ran/run alone, but for Sport Relief met up with a friend who's been running for a few years and we ran togehter (me for 3 she for 6 miles) and found we were quite comfortably matched. I found it really enjoyable to run with company and being able to chat a little, but you do need to find someone who's 'on the same level'. I certainly don't run for speed, but can cover just over 6K in ~33 minutes on a good day. Other times I only do 4k in 25mins before heading home, it really varies, there are days you feel good and others you feel like you have lead in your legs, apparently everyone is like that....

Good luck, keep it up at YOUR OWN PACE and keep us posted!
I'm so glad to have found this forum! I'm going to be starting C25K tomorrow. Will check in then. Looks like you guys have
been doing great.

anjuschka, Thanks for sharing your experience. It was very motivating to read it. I liked your advice to go at own speed.

eileen, I have wii fit, too. Need to dig it out and use it. lol That's great you can go for hours! One day I'd like to be able to do
a half marathon.

xeilidhx and ellie, hope your both feeling better.

Jan, I laughed out loud when I read the comment about your husband!! Too funny. Mine's been pretty good at staying on the good
side of encouragement.
Great tips anjuschka! I did week 2 day 1 today and used endomondo to track my distance-4km in 35 mins. 267 cals apparently! I've been using the nhs choices podcast to measure it so I'm doing it with time rather than distances, I'm just interested to see how it increases! Chose endomondo over map my run as map my run wanted me to update my iPhone, also endomondo will track all exercise including riding! Week two was hard the first run but it improved! However, it's easier than day 1 was!! Fingers crossed this continues!! X
lots of great advice here.... im feeling better today so back to it
I wish I could follow my own advice just now, I was at hospital as I hurt my neck and my run is in 4 weeks :( booooo but I ran it last year with a cracked rib so should be ok lol x
OH No, Jan. :( Hope it's nothing serious and heals quickly. Might not want to take a chance if it's your neck....
Thanks asami, it was just me being daft u sneezed and my neck wouldn't lift up! Agony! But got physio in hospital and meds so it's getting better slowly! Who would think eh ? A sneeze!
my daughter has just done that she sneezed and slipped a disc has been off work 3 weeks
good luck jan and ellie! Hopefully I'll be back to it soon!