Couldn't get to LL group tonight and have v bad day tomorrow

I am so cross for you FallenAngel, and I do admire your professionalism in dealing with it so far.

I think it may be a good idea to keep notes of EVERYTHING that has happened. Keep notes of all the extra work you are doing and the extra hours you are working. Make notes of all the conversations you have. You may find it useful in the future.

ACAS has been mentioned. Could you find someone experienced in emloyment law to chat to informally about what has been happening?

This business seems very nasty. I commend you for managing to stay objective in the face of such a 'witch hunt' environment.

Please do keep in touch when things get on top of you. Don't let the B**tards win.
I am so cross for you FallenAngel, and I do admire your professionalism in dealing with it so far.

I think it may be a good idea to keep notes of EVERYTHING that has happened. Keep notes of all the extra work you are doing and the extra hours you are working. Make notes of all the conversations you have. You may find it useful in the future.

ACAS has been mentioned. Could you find someone experienced in emloyment law to chat to informally about what has been happening?

This business seems very nasty. I commend you for managing to stay objective in the face of such a 'witch hunt' environment.

Please do keep in touch when things get on top of you. Don't let the B**tards win.

Great advice, acas dont mind you ringing for a chat, also did you look into the union thing?? I find them so much help when I want advice, I think it seems better when you have someone rooting for you.

I last year had the experience of helping someone who took an ex employer to a tribunal for unfair dismissal, the case was won and it taught me so much about employment law, if you need anything please ask. Do write everything down, and I mean everything, get it documented, and also with regards to your appraisal, this also should be documented, with your comments clearly stated and signed by you. Even keep note of the work you do.

Good Luck hun,. and remember we are here for you, it helps x
Thank you all so much for your support and good advice. I haven’t called ACAS - to be honest, I haven’t had the time. My employer doesn’t have a union. I am trying to document what’s going on - just in case, to protect myself. I still haven’t been given a copy of my appraisal so I haven’t had the opportunity to formally note my concerns.

Oh god, it’s all so difficult. Despite my best efforts to be professional, there is a bit of an atmosphere in the office and she’s guessed that I know. She confronted me – she was quite hysterical – and now she knows I know. God knows where we go from here. My boss is meeting with both of us. It’s put both of us in an impossible position. This just never ends, it’s going to drag on and on and on. Am desperate for it to be the weekend.

Sorry to whinge.:eek: It's all very stressful though! xx
FallenAngel, please feel free and safe to talk to us here about anything that is bothering you, particularly this unpleasant business.

I'm not going to say whinge, because you're NOT, you are expressing your feelings in a place where it is safe. If you did not, you would make yourself really ill, worrying and stressing about it.

You'll always find people her who value you and respect you, and will be happy to 'talk', any time you want.

Love and Courage, from Amanda
FallenAngel, please feel free and safe to talk to us here about anything that is bothering you, particularly this unpleasant business.

I'm not going to say whinge, because you're NOT, you are expressing your feelings in a place where it is safe. If you did not, you would make yourself really ill, worrying and stressing about it.

You'll always find people her who value you and respect you, and will be happy to 'talk', any time you want.

Love and Courage, from Amanda

Thanks Amanda. It really means a lot to find so much support here at such a difficult time. I have to stay so controlled at work. And although my husband is lovely, he works in a much kinder, gentler, people-centred sector and doesn't really understand that lots of bosses and companies don't play by the rules. It's such a release to get support here - I'm sure without it I would be eating doughnuts by now! Thank you. x