(Will)PowerPuff Girl! X
Yeah I love the m&s count on us range so ill get somexx
Apparently they do some really nice low pp Puds too? X
Yeah I love the m&s count on us range so ill get somexx
Apparently they do some really nice low pp Puds too? X
I'm not really a pud kind of girl haha!! Much prefer chocolatedon't do cakes or biscuit or anything like that!!
When I was pregnant I had bad craving for chocolate fudge cake with cream, I ate it that much the sight of it now makes me feel sick!!!
Put off all cakes, it's not a bad thing I suppose xx
I LOVE hot puddings! The only week I've gained since doing WW is when I went to Butlins on Holiday, they had Hot Cake of the Day and Hot Crumble of the Day and I had both, every night! Although when I'm at home I just stick to Chocolate too. X
Haha you have to splash out on holiday, I couldn't imagine having to count everything on holiday or dare 4 that matter!!! Iv just been on holiday & did 10lb worth of damage, blaming the cocktails, couldn't keep away haha! X
So yesterday I ruined it!!!! Was good till 730 last night, should have just gone to bed
New day, start afresh xx
Here to follow your diary Hun hope today's a better day then yesterday for you xx
Oh I don't know, I'm doing Oliver fish fingers veg & mash but I hate fish fingers :-/ xx
Thank you huni, yesterday was a bad day too but I'm back on it today!! How are you? X
I'm fine thanks Hun trying to get back into the swing of things again lol!
Can't wait for Sunday new set of weeklies woop! Haha! Xx