Full Member
just checking in .. will reply in detail tomorrow, im so so tired and my husband has been filling me in about his step dads funeral today 
just wanted to say you were all right .. it wasnt half as bad as i thought it would be, yes did get few suprised looks at my weight gain but to be honest we were so busy i think people had other things to worry about than my weight, lol .. so dont stress tooty frooty, id say it took me about an hour to fit back in and feel comfortable being there (obviously lots of changes, residents and staff to get used to) but glad i did it .. got my first day out of the way - yay !!!
going to bed now - im dead on my feet, skinnydawn i really appreciate you taking the time to explain how to navigate the site, will have good look around the site tomorrow XX
just wanted to say you were all right .. it wasnt half as bad as i thought it would be, yes did get few suprised looks at my weight gain but to be honest we were so busy i think people had other things to worry about than my weight, lol .. so dont stress tooty frooty, id say it took me about an hour to fit back in and feel comfortable being there (obviously lots of changes, residents and staff to get used to) but glad i did it .. got my first day out of the way - yay !!!
going to bed now - im dead on my feet, skinnydawn i really appreciate you taking the time to explain how to navigate the site, will have good look around the site tomorrow XX
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