Countdown to a skinny bunny :)

Bugs I have noticed that you seem to eat very little during the day, and you are missing a key element of EE on sw.
You must have a third of your meals as superfree, there is a fruit and veg page in your book, and you should be having a third of your meal from that list.
Also you have very low syns, except the meals you blow out on lol. You should be aiming to have at least 10 a day, cutting down on syns will not help with weight loss.
What do you drink, you need to be careful your body doesn't go into starvation mode, as it will start to hold on to as many calories as it can.
Your dinners look so much better, a decent quantity, and some superfree in there.
I've just come for a catch up. The pics from Vegas look brilliant. That's what I call a slice of pizza :D
Bugs I have noticed that you seem to eat very little during the day, and you are missing a key element of EE on sw.
You must have a third of your meals as superfree, there is a fruit and veg page in your book, and you should be having a third of your meal from that list.
Also you have very low syns, except the meals you blow out on lol. You should be aiming to have at least 10 a day, cutting down on syns will not help with weight loss.
What do you drink, you need to be careful your body doesn't go into starvation mode, as it will start to hold on to as many calories as it can.
Your dinners look so much better, a decent quantity, and some superfree in there.

Kron, you took the words out of my mouth. I keep thinking about this 1/3 thing and I'm lost. I mean, most of my dinners have veg and i try to have fruit during the day... is this enough?? It's easier to do it when I'm at home as mum still cooks dinner (I know, the joy of being a student still lol) but as my OH doesn't like veg much I find it a chore to cook them seperate for myself when I cook for us. Maybe i just need to make the effort more? And I agree with the syns too, I keep having to force myself to have some as I find I save my syns for sauces/dips and then I am lost for what to syn as all the foods I like are HEx's and free :( will have to work harder next week to up this... even if it's just a cereal bar here and there?! Will start uni on Monday so no doubt the syns will be used as they should be!!

Thanks for recognising this all... it's two issues i've thought about constantly this week. Sometimes i just forget to put veg that i've had though... lol guess i just try to list the ''bad'' stuff more than the good lol xxx
B: Bran Flakes (HExB) milk (HExA) + Banana
L: mullerlight
D: Pasta, Cheese (half HExA), Chicken (half HExB)
S: Warburton Toastie (5 syns), Cheese (half HExA), Slice ham (half HExB)

Don't know if this is SW-correct but I had half the amount of HEx chicken and cheese... so made up for it with half the cheese and ham for my toastie. Needed to make my syns up for today. This is prob not allowed but I've not no other 'syn' things in the house lol and then if i synned the cheese and ham then it would prob be well over? If so then i'm over lol but either way this is my food diary for the day lol!

Still so chuffed I did Week 1 Core kettleworx today. Weigh in tomorrow. Just 0.5lb loss would make my week :eek: FINGERS CROSSED!!!! Then doing week 1 resistance and then off to buy my season ticket for the train to Uni :) until then, off to watch Glee Project with OH xxx
bugsbunny2000 said:
B: Bran Flakes (HExB) milk (HExA) + Banana
L: mullerlight
D: Pasta, Cheese (half HExA), Chicken (half HExB)
S: Warburton Toastie (5 syns), Cheese (half HExA), Slice ham (half HExB)

Don't know if this is SW-correct but I had half the amount of HEx chicken and cheese... so made up for it with half the cheese and ham for my toastie. Needed to make my syns up for today. This is prob not allowed but I've not no other 'syn' things in the house lol and then if i synned the cheese and ham then it would prob be well over? If so then i'm over lol but either way this is my food diary for the day lol!

Still so chuffed I did Week 1 Core kettleworx today. Weigh in tomorrow. Just 0.5lb loss would make my week :eek: FINGERS CROSSED!!!! Then doing week 1 resistance and then off to buy my season ticket for the train to Uni :) until then, off to watch Glee Project with OH xxx

I am not seeing any veg or salad mmm it's yummy honest :)
Chicken and lean ham are free on EE so enjoy.
Only a muller for lunch, that's not much you must be hungry by dinner time.

I always have my third superfree with breakfast, lunch and dinner and always have frozen veg which I can boil a portion even if hubby's not having it, although he tends to eat what I do as I cook it lol

We love core lol
Look forward to hearing how you get on at WI tomorrow :)
Haha exactly today is one of THOSE days at my OH's house, without my veggie provisions :( i will make up for it tomorrow though! I'm thinkin maybe jacket potato, filled with cucumber/natural yogurt, cheese and a salad on the side? Could work. The OH can have beans and cheese haha.

I think it's because I've been on the go today (work out, sorted my wardrobe out, went food shopping, been with my OH) that I haven't felt hungry. Wow, I mean, I used to be told to put the food down but to be told to eat more hahaha one extreme to the other eh! But I do know it will affect my WL in a bad way so will try and plan my days better to make sure i'm getting my syns (and greens!!) I'll be so busy from monday. Travelling to uni 6.30-9am. At Uni 9-5. Then travelling back. So I know I have to take a decent sized packed lunch to snack on during such a looong day :) so hopefully that will get me sorted!

Thanks Kron :) I'll be good, promise :eek: hehe!
Will let you know the results tomorrow xx
I know it can take a while to get into the swing of it ;)
My goodness youve got a lot of travelling to do for uni, good time to revise sitting on the train for all that time.
If you can get into the habit of having fruit in your bag to snack on while travelling, or at OHs to have with your meals
At group they were saying that if you cut up all your fruit in a bowl and cover in diet lemonade it keeps it's colour and makes the fruit fizzy lol I am going to give it a try, never heard of anything like it before, so gotta try it lol
Oooh that fizzy fruit does sound fun :) will give it ago some time too me thinks!
Yes I plan to dedicate a whole lunch box to fruit, as I do have a habit of snacking when bored or at night. Went shopping today and bought lots of fruit to store at OHs. I mean I know I should be having fruit AND veg, but would alot of fruit one day still count towards my 1/3??? xx
Most fruit is superfree so will count as your third.
Fruit has natural sugars whereas veg has only a trace of sugar so I try to have veg or salad more, although fruit has more super speed qualities, so I think a balance is the best option
I know people that like raw veg, carrot sticks, shredded cabbage etc, I am not keen but a chickpea dip and veg sticks is great for snacking on
See raw veg isn't my cup of tea. It's only been in the past few months that I can eat a salad :eek: lol i love peppers though... which is why stuffed peppers is my favourite red day meal :) Shame the OH doesn't like em... think i'm gonna have to start letting him cook for himself and me for myself if I want any chance of losing weight.

Just jumped on my house scales at it read 10.13. :( OH NO.... though my last weigh in was 2lb lighter than my house scales, then i WI, returned home and they were 0.5 LESS than my WI :/ Not sure how far to trust em. Ah well, will know in about 20mins what's going on. Fingers cross, or even if it IS a gain it's not THAT much please!! xx
its only your official WI scales that count, altho i do tend to keep track on my home scales, I dont worry about the number i just like to see if its going up or down - before i hit target i would check and if numbers going up i optimise like crazy, going down i still optimise like crazy cos i like seeing that number go down lol

Not long now and you will know for sure how you have done this week :)
The results are in:

*drum roll*
I stayed the same!!! Wahoo! Usually I would be a bit disappointed but considering i've only been on plan for 3 days, started Kettleworx (and my scales scared me this morning). I'm very pleased! Still 10st 10.5lbs. 5.5lbs to go til my 1st stone has gone forever :) Annoyingly, I jumped on my scales when I got in they read "10st 10lbs" - stupid piece of Asda rubbish!! Think I'm just gonna leave em, maybe have a cheeky weigh every so often to see if i'm on track. They've fluctuated so much all week that I don't know whether to believe them or not!

So... gonna try resistance today. I've just had a look through the dvd for now... but I'm already dying lol and i've just caught a glimpse of another 'plank' move. Argh. Those will be the death of me!!! xxx
Okay so it's 10.36am. I haven't decided yet what day to do. I tend to plan what I'm having for dinner... then plan my day around that. Or sometimes have breakfast and plan dinner around what HEx's I hadn't used. i think i'm gonna have a yog + fruit before I attempt Week 1 Resistance. Then a proper breakfast after my workout. Then off to wake OH up... lucky for some to lie in... and off to Wilkinsons. I LOVE Wilkinsons lol! We don't have one in my town, only the town over but it's worth it!! Then to buy a season ticket for Uni - £361!! Goodbye money... cannot wait for my loan to come in... what little of it i get anyway :/ lol but that's another rant for another day!

Sts great news esp after you trip and few blow outs, hope you can get on plan and start seeing those numbers come down :)
Have fun shopping and good luck with resistance :)
Thanks :) did resistance. And majority with the 5kg again :D i can't do the punches with it though, my wrists are too small and weak lol! But everything else, just seemed to easy with 2.5kg so went to the 5kg! Phew, i'm gonna feel that tonight!!

There is nothing better than seeing the ''cool down'' screen lol!!
I hope the numbers go down too... either in weight or inches... I'm so impatient, I just wanna see what it's like to be slim NOW but I can't so just need to keep plowing through! As long as I look fabulous for my graduation I will be pleased. I know that even at 10st I'll look completely different lol so it's not too far to go :)
Might go have a nice bath just to soak my muscles before I head out, plus I prob stink now, don't wanna scare my OH off haha!!

Have a nice day :) xx
Punches are hard lol, that's where your 2.5 will come in handy
Hope you have a nice soak and get OH up in time to go shopping :)
Oh it comes in very handy with those pesky punches!!
Okay so food diary today:

B: mullerlight + banana
L: Diet coke, peach
D: smash pizza (passata, cheese (HExA), ham (HExB), peppers) + a few potato wedges, ketchup (1 syn)
S: --

Total syns: 1

Okay so, not many syns so far :/ I left my curly wurly at home and at OHs house atm. Might take a trip down the shop after X Factor lol any chocolate or ice cream suggestions welcome :) also will have some grapes during x factor. Not sure what day I'm on yet, so far it looks green :) might have some noodles if i get really peckish later. Oh this is also my last 'late night' until at least next fri or sat lol!! xxx
If yr going to the shop get some 'mugshots' or a solero (is that how it's spelt?) they're only 5syns and nice ice cream :) x

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i've seen for my syns i have left, I can have:

Ooh so far my 280syns can get me:
x2 Curly Wurlys
2/5 of a 100g Milky Bar
a pack of winegums
x2 scoops of Ben & Jerrys ice cream
x1 Cream Egg
x2 2 finger kit kat
x1 bag of malteasers
x2 26g milky ways
x1 pack of minstrels
x2 fudge bars
lol but really fancy a solero now!! How many syns are mini-milks again? Or magnums? Probably about 20syns haha. Will make a trip to the co-op after X Factor me thinks xx
Mini milk - 1.5 syns
MAgnum (milk choc and white choc) - 13syns. The others are bit more.
Magnum minis (multipack) - 8-9 syns

Yum made myself a bit hungry now ha ha.
I will stick to an apple and some plums LOL xx