You have no need to be afraid of swimming with dolphins, they are so amazing, it was the best thing I have ever done, and have now done it five times..... It is that good, amazing animals!!
Been a bit rubbish at diary keeping this week. Had a fab day out on Sunday, posh lunch and waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too much wine, but ultra 100% on track since then and happy to report a 1lb loss last night - hurrah! I have5 more WI's until Mexico and if that is a further 5lb loss i shall be very happy. I know it is soup at lunchtime rather than a huge plate of something that is really helping - trouble is, i am getting a tad bored with soup....But it would be worth it to get rid of the excess flab though....
Breakfast: Melon and SW quiche (1)
Lunch: Leek and pot soup and hm Smoked salmon pate with cucumber and ryvita.
Dinner - who knows!!
I've got my little neice over today as her mum is in labour!!!! She wants bacon butty for breakfast so I'm going to join her, will cut the fat off..... So looks like a red day for me!!!!!