Hi Anja - Happy New Year! How are you? Thank you so much for the tips! I think I will try and keep to running on regular PV conso days and should be able to plan it around ok and keep my PP as a Monday.
Appreciate the advice re food - I ran on empty the first time so need to plan better going forward, I like the idea of porridge and egg!
I am still achey today! lol - looking forward to that stopping and the running getting easier - I felt very unfit on Saturday but also think I tried to push too hard too fast and should have run a little slower, but the only running I have done before is for buses, so don't know a slower pace
I'm due to run tomorrow and will have to fit it in in my lunch break but feel nervous doing it on my own. I felt safe and more confident running with my friend. So silly, it is the old emotions of being bigger and thinking people will laugh at me. I need to remember people have more important stuff to think about than me running along the road
I am reeeeeally looking forward to toning up - have I mentioned that before?

I just feel so deflated (literally) when I look at my body, it is like the body of an old woman. I know there is only so much running can do, but any improvement would make me feel better about myself at the mo.
Food wise today - It was PP and all has been fine! I did have a few moments of wanting some extras, especially while walking around M&S today - torture! But I keep remembering it is just one day and I am excited to see if it helps on the scales again!!
Breakfast - Piece chicken
Lunch - Chicken thighs
Dinner - Venison steak with cottage cheese and black pepper
Looking forward to PV tomorrow - am my run. Eeeeeeeeeeek!!
Thanks again for all the support. It is much appreciated and is a HUGE help xx