Couteaux on Cruise- target by December!

Hope you're feeling more energised Couteaux. Why not try posting menus again for a few days, if you're stalling. Some things might have slipped in, and there might be room for a little manoeuvre to get things moving again. (Conso awaits :))
Thanks Chris :) You are right. I need to make the most of these last few days of freedom. I've been trying to get out lots which has been great walking wise. My little one has been having a few quick sessions with our childminder. I'll feel so much happier once I know she is settled and happy.

Jo - Good idea re the menus! I'll get on that from today. I seem OK during the day, but very tired by the early evening and just a little hazy - if that makes sense? I am hesitant to ever mention feeling off to family as it is an instant reaction of "well, your diet is making you sick, its not safe eating all that meat" Drives me potty as I am not eating a crazy amount at all, I have always loved meat so the amount hasn't changed, just all the other rubbish removed. Hey ho ;)

Off to update the menu now :D

Thanks as always for the support! x
Dont take any notice from people who dont know what they are on about - some people just have to make negative comments and its usually because they are jealous or dont understand!!!
Will be thinking of you next week - think of it as 'me time' while at work then when you are home (excuse the french) sod the housework spend some quality time with MrC and little ones :)
Chris - I like your thinking! It will be very odd having a few hours where I am only responsible for me, will miss all the cuddles :( So so glad to have those extra 2 days off. I always worked full time before, think it will make a huge difference!

Food wise all ok..ish. I just posted my confession in the menu thread. The last few days I have been fancying more fatty meat, I had some chicken skin, today I had a piece of crackling too. I think in my mind I kept going back to the Atkins ideas, therefore justifying having it. However, I also think it is due to me nearing my goal as either sabotaging it (as I always do) or maybe just needing that something extra.

I don't know, but I do know I need to stop it! I really want to hit my target and get those lbs off. It feels like I have been this weight for a while now and anything lower is new territory. My lowest ever being 12.7

Anyhoo, one more day of freedom! I am rambling so better sign off.

Night all!
Hi Couteaux I love reading your ramblings! and I very often ramble away on here and at home/work too so that makes two of us. If im not too nosey can I ask what you do for a living? One of the reasons I love my job is that I am off every 6 - 7 weeks I need to be off to catch up with boring house stuff and to be able to chill because it is intensive and at times very stressful but still love it best job ive ever had :) Tke care and I will be thinking of you on Thursday - yummy mummy returns to work!!!!!!!!!!! ;)
Well, I am now officially a working mummy. Thursday was ok, new boss is lovely and sounds really understanding, has 2 little ones herself. Lots of work planned so thrown straight in. Yikes!

Weighed in today and am 12.7, nearly 1lb off so it's definitely slowing down and starting to wonder if I'll hit my target by the end Nov as predicted. Hope so, I have had it in my head that consolidation starts then but the speed the lbs are dropping is making that seem less likely!

Whenever I get there though, I'm a million times better than this time last year :D
Good to hear you are OK with work - makes it 100 times easier if you have a good understanding boss :) just think how much weight you've lost so far even if it does take a bit longer Ha - its still going going GONE!
Well, I am getting lots of work sent over, so I thought a quick break on here was in order! Can you see the logic? Ahem! ;)

Just updated my signature and was excited to notice I have actually achieved all but one of the goals I originally set myself. That has never happened before.. Again, I *heart* Dukan :D

My little one really isn't settling in with the childminder, I know it will get better, just feels dreadful that she is so unhappy. Next week will be her first full session there, I really don't know how she'll be - keeping everything crossed that they rapidly improve.

Food wise, yesterday was great. PV day and I was stocked up with plenty of goodies, muffins, nice salad at lunch and a chicken and vegetable soup for dinner.

Today, not so ideal. Luckily I had a stock of muffins in the freezer (Chris & Jo, I thank you) but nothing planned for lunch! So, a pack of pastrami was eaten. Not awful, but could have just done with something a bit bigger really. I have a very gurgly tummy that wants feeding.

Home - crikey, the place is upside down! My OH is looking after the kids today and as I am working from home I have tried to encourage a little sorting out, but no. It still looks like we have been burgled lol. Perhaps he'll realise what I used to do while he was at work? I can dream.. ;)

So there is my jumbled update, hope everyone is good xx
Delighted to hear that you're getting on so well now you're back at work and I hope your little one settles soon - in a way it's sweet cos it shows she misses the routine with her mommy! :) I'm sure she'll get used to the new way of life soon. I'm like you too the weight loss has slowed but due to stres and lack of sleep methinks but have a lighter workload for a few weeks ahead so hope to give an extra push before Christmas. I've no doubt you'll get to target soon - you're doing so well.
Well, weighed in on fri and it showed 12.4 (after being 12.9 a couple days earlier!) so I wasn't overly confident it'd be a real loss.

Weighed in this am and am 12.5 1/2 so not the the 12.4 I was hoping for, but I've broken past the 12.7 barrier (lowest weight as an adult)

I'm still looking at my body and seeing all the extra lbs I need to lose, 7lbs just seems too little now, I really need to trust in the plan and hope 7lbs makes a miraculous difference to my body....

PV day today

Breakfast - Eggs and tomatoes with spinach from the garden

Lunch - pumpkin soup (will need to add protein of some description)

Dinner - roast chicken, roast celeriac, broccoli, sprouts and roast pumpkin.

Need to make a big batch of muffins for the week and sort out plenty of protein for snacks, I was really hungry yesterday just because I planned badly!
Not bad at all 3.5 gone especially when you've only 7 to lose - fabulous achievement over the past weeks even though you've had all the stress of going back to work and leaving your babies and to continue to lose weight with Dukan - blooming FANTASTIC :) x
:happy096: delighted to hear of another solid loss, Couteaux! As for seeing all the extra pounds on your body, maybe up the exercise to build some muscle? that way you'll increase your metabolism as well as look more toned. Well done, lassie!:)Xx
Thank you lovelies xx

Oh my word, I am so tired! I started today at 6.30am and got home at 6.30pm - didn't get to eat a thing all day and feel absolutely shattered. I hadn't planned to go without but we were travelling all day and the only things available were sandwiches/crisps and cakes. Not a single dukan friendly morsel.

Finding the house is just a nightmare but I am too tired to do anything at the moment. Hoping to win the lottery and go back to what I love, being a full time mummy. Fingers crossed 'eh ;)

So - off tomorrow, will actually be able to eat some food and enjoy a yummy PV day.

Hope all is good with all you Dukan darlings xoxox
CHRISR said:
yehhhhhhhh - my day off tomorrow too Couteaux - Enjoy x

Hope you had a good day off Chris! :) xx

All ok here, v busy with work/home/babies but still loving my food, so all good.

I haven't had a proper WI as I had my period, and had my first cheat in 4 months! Eeek, I had a couple glasses of wine with friends on Saturday. I really enjoyed them and got right back on track as soon as I got up. I'd bought my first ever pair of size 14 trousers that day and was so thrilled!!

I decided I would be ok if I reached goal a little later, I just really wanted to be part of the evening and relax. Luckily I didn't have any food off plan tho.

Looking forward to my first gala now lol, planning it already.... ;)
one mishap in 4 months is not bad going Couteaux and you enjoyed those mishaps so dont worry .......... the scales will be good to you at your next weigh in :)
Morning all :)

Thanks Chris - yep, I am ok with my little blip, I moved straight on and back on plan which helped.

Life is crazy hectic, trying to work a full time job in part time hours and still run a home, cook, clean & make sure everyone is ready for school/childcare and all that malarky. I am POOPED!! Hurry up lottery win ;)

Food has been fine - I weighed in on Tuesday and was 12.2 - WOW! Then weighed the day later and was 12.5 again lol

I am going to ignore both and just see what the scales say on Sunday. Its my little ones 1st birthday at the weekend so need to stay focussed - still have to plan and prepare for that.

And breathe.....

Hope everyone else is ok xx