Well, I am getting lots of work sent over, so I thought a quick break on here was in order! Can you see the logic? Ahem!
Just updated my signature and was excited to notice I have actually achieved all but one of the goals I originally set myself. That has never happened before.. Again, I *heart* Dukan
My little one really isn't settling in with the childminder, I know it will get better, just feels dreadful that she is so unhappy. Next week will be her first full session there, I really don't know how she'll be - keeping everything crossed that they rapidly improve.
Food wise, yesterday was great. PV day and I was stocked up with plenty of goodies, muffins, nice salad at lunch and a chicken and vegetable soup for dinner.
Today, not so ideal. Luckily I had a stock of muffins in the freezer (Chris & Jo, I thank you) but nothing planned for lunch! So, a pack of pastrami was eaten. Not awful, but could have just done with something a bit bigger really. I have a very gurgly tummy that wants feeding.
Home - crikey, the place is upside down! My OH is looking after the kids today and as I am working from home I have tried to encourage a little sorting out, but no. It still looks like we have been burgled lol. Perhaps he'll realise what I used to do while he was at work? I can dream..
So there is my jumbled update, hope everyone is good xx