Get Hun rest of weekend was good! I was working yesterday at the bike show in Belfast so busy day

and nicely paid for it! Wi in tonight meh lol!! I always always feel fat on a Monday so who knows!
I hope tattoo ink doesn't weigh anything as I so didn't get another one on sat lol!! Em went to the ballet with granny and Sophie and me went shopping for ems birthday, it was the most stressful shopping experience in a while as I just had no idea what to get her! She hasn't asked for anything but a discontinued littlest pet shop rescue centre! Ended up getting her a family photo frame, necklace and ear rings, a fashion designers kit to create own outfits, monster high doll, one direction towel lol!! Got her a charm bracelet set and a leopard print leotard for gymnastics! So hope she likes it and nice that it's all surprised for a change!