Crazy Caz and her food diary

I don't mind talking to myself :) had spaghetti Bol for dinner, yum with homemade sauce to between mince and veg only 14pp! Went to shop tonight and got walkers pop crisps, melted cheese and bacon flavour! 2pp yum cx
Size 12 off the rail, that's a great achievement, in sure you were buzzing! I'm back on track from today...I wanna do that lol
Aw def was buzzing! Starting to feel not a fat person anymore? Sounds so daft, but as much as I know I've lost weight I still think of myself as the 'big girl'?

Anything exciting planned this weekend? Tonight is tan and nails as I am going out tomorrow! Woohoo lol cx
I didn't get drunk last night, I didn't get a McDonald's at 3am and no I don't want another right now!!! Lol!! but sure, :) cx
As long as you had a good night caz that's all that matters :) hope you enjoyed every bit of your mcdonalds I'm a sucker for it hope you not too hung over today :) is your op tomorrow? X
I had such a good night though :) I'm fine today just tired, and I got to wear my new leopard print trousers! Bored my friends size 10 shirt to wear with them lol!! Even better :)

Op tomorrow, starting to get v nervous!!! I'm still hoping it's not going to hurt and I will be so ok lol!! Same time it will be nice having a few days off work, plan is to just chill out see how I feel, mum and dad go to Amsterdam tomorrow too but my sisters are going to help with the girls! They can go to child minders and school through the day cx
ahh thats fab :) u should upload a photo of the skinny caz!

it is nerve racking thinking about an op! but hope all goes well ull be fine :) x
Lol I took this to show my sis last night! Doesn't really show much but !!

Last time I went in for an op apart from Sophie was getting my tonsils out about 7yrs ago, it was awful sore for three weeks! Least this time I can still eat ha! Cx


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Thanks girls, today's picture isn't so hot!

Tonsils were sore, just need to manage pain best you can ith paracetamol and ibrofen! I am not good with pain but :( lol cx
Today's pic wouldn't have been so hot lol!! Had risotto at mums for dinner earlier and now I'm craving everything! Damn hangovers lol there's a pizza in the freezer shouting eat me! I swear I can hear it lol!!!! Cx