I read a bit of a book few years ago, is that the one that talks about the thing on your shoulder? Cx
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I smoke about 15 a day, think stopping rather than cutting down will be easier? Im for docs tomorrow to see about my last op so will ask for advise thenfeel so much better for doing ww this week so hopefully walking and pointing will be a distraction lol cx
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I done tablets before stayed off them for about 6 months lol! No will power!
They are getting so rediculous in price, be tempted with ecig but see in the sun some granny blew up in hosp? Lol cx
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1.5lbs down tonight! Woohoo finally in the twelves! So thinking im going back to vodka lol!
Just had pork chops, potatoes and veg at mums, so glad they are at home to have food on the table after meetings!
I got this tonight, thought id share as its put me right off the temptation lol
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I have never in my adult life been a size 12! Its so excitingim lting here after a big cup of tea, pink and white and caramel wafer bar!
Might go get cosy in bed and read ny book for a while
I am going to attempt to give up cigs this week, has anyone any tips? Cx
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Thanks ladies! Day off with no plans, been to docs and got smoking tablets
Think i will take girls a walk just chill out cx
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Got them free on prescription
Had a lovely day just taking it easy, went for a walk and tidied again! Just finished risotto dinnerthis is my last four day week though with easter holifays and may day it wont be too bad cx
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