Silver Member
Hey all!! Hope everyone is well, didn't I run, skip and jump off the radar!! Amazingly good week last week re ww then the weekend happened! Even after a shovel full of chicken salad sat for lunch I ended up plastered sat might with work mates for a leaving do
1/2 an 8oz burger with all the trimmings, half a chip portion AND 3 chicken goujons later I decided to 'cure' my hangover with a few drinks oops so Sundays hangover was bad! Mondays was oh lordy horrendous as I went to work for the extra bank hol cash! Longest day of my life (in a few months anyway) so since tues I've been pointing very lazy daisy but least I haven't been horrendous!
Roll on mon till yet AGAIN I get back on the wagon #5stoneyoursomine
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Roll on mon till yet AGAIN I get back on the wagon #5stoneyoursomine
Sent from my GT-I9505 using mobile app