Agree with Julie, I think you look amazing at 9st and staying stable at that weight will help you to get used to eating more normally, maintaining, relaxing. I've chosen to try and 'stabilise' at 11-ish, seem to be settled just below 11, and that feels fine for now. I would like to lose another 1/2 stone eventually, as a safety net, but it's more important right now to 'settle' and adjust and get some confidence at this weight. So, maybe in the autumn, who knows.
I think you have a lot of stresses in your life right now and I can see how they are pushing the triggers for you. Once the job sitch is sorted I think you will be ready to take your life forward, you have come such a long way honey in just a few short months. Keep trying, keep smiling, keep believing... better things are out there for you.