Shep - ah *hugs* At least you have a reason for if you do gain. There's nothing worse than gaining and having been 100% all week, even if it is TOTM.
Wasn't able to post much yesterday - everytime I came on something just cropped up.
Had a good day

Not sure what WI will be like this week - have a feeling I will have an STS or even a slight gain - I was that bad at the weekend, but will see.
Hmm, diabetes - I was reading on the BBC about obesity and diabetes. Okay, I can't argue with the two being related - that's no doubt a given. But it said that children, some as young as 8, are getting type II - come on, that can't be down to obesity - that's got to be down to something else, be it a modern kid's diet or something. Sometimes these research projects just seem a way too simple for my liking - obesity = diabetes, without taking into account other environmental factors. Eight year old children do not imho get type II diabetes just like that.
Sorry for rant, but everyday there is some research about the badness of obesity and fair enough, it's not a good state to be in, but imho, there's something more going on when they talk about children developing illnesses due to obesity. It's like saying a 13 year old smoker who smoked from the age of 8 gets lung cancer!
Okay, phew! Feel better now hehe!
Going to try and cook fennel today - think I shall roast it. Only ever had it in salad but that's really boring. Hope it turns out okay.
Hope you all have a great day

Will try and post some more if pos. It is quiet and I don't want to become a forum hogger!