Credenhill's Diary

We're like a Hit Zone or something for the leaflets round here aren't we, from denton to levvy and some burnage ones too *rolls eyes* lol

Hope you had a nice lie-in, do you not work fridays or is there just less need? Would ask what you do too but dunno if you'd want to say on here? :)

On my lunch now, glad it's friday too, another boyfriend night tonight, he kept giving me random hugs and stuff as he knows I'd been feeling a bit low from wednesday and stuff :) He's here again tonight and m'dad is having my son overnight so yay lol

Got a few more signatures on the petition thing as posted on the SW board too, should get round to posting on all the forums later plus someone else offered to post on other baby/children forums she uses for me which is lovely. So yep, I'm feeling much better today, hope everyone else is too! x
Nah lie-in tomorrow hehe!

Glad you are feeling so much better. I know how difficult it is to maintain any weightloss plan when stressed - comfort eating is a real temptation, even though it doesn't solve the problem.

Hope loads of people sign the petition :D Suppose the parents have contacted their local MP. Not heard anything on the news yet - not that I watch the news that often, but maybe local news will cover it.
Sorry I read that wrong lol Saturday lie-in indeed, looking forward to mine too hehe.

The school is in Didsbury so the parents group has got the MP from that and surrounding areas and the councillors etc on board I think, not sure when things will get finalised as it was proposed to be closed (if it comes to it) in August next year. What got my back up was when that home visitor woman I told you about initially phoned me up she said 'Oh it's Ewing school Michael goes to, it's closing isn't it?' - sounded far too definite for my liking!

Mn anywho, have just bombarded the weightwatchers website, do here over the weekend as minimins is hugeymongous lol

Petitioning and a trip to morrisons, high-flying weekend for me! :8855:
Wow, that home visitor did make it sound definite. I know the new thinking is to get "special" kids into mainstream schools but that only works if there is support in place. To be honest, I didn't even know there were any special schools left!

Morrisons - be good now. I think we should start another campaign (since we are in the campaigning, petition signing mood) to get Morrisons to remove all their special offers on cakes, etc. from being the first thing you see when you enter the store hehe!

Oh and decent tea - Morrisons cafe tea is weaker than kitty *cough* :p
Grrr, sometimes minimins really annoys me - they removed my thread from the SW page about the petition :mad:

Can't do anything on here outside the bloody diet box!

I'll be alright in morrisons, think I'm going in with just cash and a shopping list (other than DC findings) so won't g'mad I promise lol

I guess they have to keep things on topic or there would be a lot of people posting off topic all over the place and it would get out of hand.

Chin-up - and put the link to the petition in your signature ;)
*holds hands up* what can I do, guess I'll have to give up my life of crime and go on the straight and narrow Caroline :sigh:
Wow, sorry Starlight - didn't realise :( I did read the info on links, honest. Btw, well done on your fantastic and impressive loss so far :D

Nevermind LoChan :) Maybe you can go on the straight and narrow in more ways than one - diet and forum rules. I suppose the petition falls into the soliciting category but it's not a subscription, but it's a grey area me thinks. Tis perhaps a political subject. I had something similar re religion on another nont-diet forum when posting a link for a charity that just happened to be Christian but was raising funds for kids all over the world and well, it was about as Christian as I am and I'm a Buddhist hehe!
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Mnn you should tell me more of Buddismness, I should know about these things from going to Japan where it's one of the two main religions lol My friend's other half got into it after his mum died but I think he gave up the interest for the sake of the meat eater instinct heh. I got all giddy randomly walking the backstreets of town and going past one of the centres near the arndale... noone in orange robes in the foyer though, but that's krishnas isn't it? *goes dizzy*
Hehe, Buddhist monks also wear orange/red robes - it's a religion that branched off from Hinduism as is Krishna (think that may be a form of Hinduism following a gura, Hari - but not sure). It's all very spiritual.

We should perhaps have a discussion sometime via email or something so as not to take up my diary with religion and philosophy. I wanted a philosophical mood but closest I got was yeehaw haha! Well, kind of gungho and what the monkeys kind of feeling :p
I don't think I've ever felt That Monkey Feeling :8855:

Yeah an email convo will do the trick I reckon :)

Gotta go concentrate properly for the last half hour of work then gonna get my daily biking done before the OH gets home from work - got another graze box for after tea, bit higher on calories though as it's got some seeds in it but will fit it in the dailies some'ow!
Have a good evening - probably won't be around later myself. Got lots of study to do and then three kitties to groom and spoil.

Should keep my hands away from the fridge and my feet from taking an unexpected stroll to Tesco to buy anything naughty hehe! It's getting darker and I can feel the carb cravings descending - roll on Spring :)
Good morning all :D Hope you all have a great weekend.

So today is mother visiting day so no DC, just watching what I eat and trying to avoid the pitfalls that mum may put in front of me, bless her hehe!

Just had some prawns lightly fried in a teaspoon of olive oil for breakfast - yes, I love seafood and fish and Sat is usually my fish day. Will have some soup for lunch. Think mum is doing lamb (not fish :sigh:) with something tonight, but she often changes her mind so will have to see.

Think I may be getting a cold, or I'm allergic to my new wool bedding.

Right, better go feed cats - they are giving me that stare and it's scary - kind of like Alfred Hitchcock's The Birds.
Morning, get a good lie in? I got woken up twice, once at 7.30 for a parcel for m'dad then again close to 10 for a parcel for me - andrex winter puppy and hot water bottle! lol Gave up in the end and getting busy catching up on here before grabbing some breakfast.

Hope the sniffles dry up soon and it isn't the bedding, think my mum got the same stuff after a holiday to a neighbouring island of Tenerife (I think that's where you said?), think she paid a ridiculous amount for hers lol

Sticking with the DC as much as I can since tuesday is gonna be my day off track with the TGIs (it's coming, it's coming!) Though after a mention, I got the Skinny B***h book off amazon to read and that's got me all worried about sweeteners and stuff now, silly thing I am was reading it in a hot bath then got lightheaded when I got out and went straight down to the kitchen trying to read food labels for hidden aspartame without m'glasses on then felt all sick and wobbly... dopey cow lol

*yawns* Dunno whether I'm coming or going now! Think I need my morning coffee (which they also say is the liquid of satan, or something slightly more colourful) What can you do! :D
That book sounds unhealthy in more ways than one!

Didn't has a good day. Gonna go bed and tomorrow is a new day.

Nite all.
Aws, hope you sleep well and feel better for it tomorrow x

Hope you're feeling better after your bad day hun, catch up with you tom'ow hopefully? WI's in the morning, me and you both! Here's hoping the scales bring a smile to your face :)
Good Luck Caroline and LoChan on weigh-ins ! xx
Woohoo! Another 2.25 lbs gone! So that's like 6.25 altogether. Oh I know I could do so much better if I didn't add the extras and hadn't been such a bad girl this weekend, but I'm in it for the long hall and want a diet that is not torturous - I'm fed up of feeling guilty cos I had a dessert after having gone without one for two months :p

Been busy hence not posting - am still around :D

Recovering from Ken Dodd at the moment - blimey, what amazing energy the guy has. Think he may just be living proof that loving your job, having a laugh and not paying your tax is good for you haha! :)

Hope everyone had a great weekend :D