So was all set to go get veggies to make Irish Stew, when I spotted the end of a BNS and thought hmmm, shame to waste it so no salt, no stock cube just ......
500g 3% diced beef cut into equal bite sized pieces
browned with no oil on the stove add a
good squeeze dbl concentrate tomato puree,
generous teaspoon Dijon mustard and
a tin of peeled chopped plum tomatoes.
Put in large ovenproof dish with lid, add in
BNS cut into very large chunks and
a large onion cut into quarters, layers separated
Add water until meat and veg covered.
Into oven covered for 2-3 hours at 160deg until meat melts in your mouth.
Absolutely divine. The sweetness of the BNS and onion with the acidity of the tomatoes is a great combo. It benefits from a wee rest with the lid on for 10-15mins after you take it out of the oven. Would probably be great with chicken pieces too.
And the great thing was that I was able to go shopping and bought a coat and skirt whilst it was cooking away merrily. A great smell greeted me as I came in and in no time at all I was tucking into a big warming bowl of stew!
Too full to contemplate stuff chicken breasts today so will adapt stuffing to PP friendly and have it tomorrow instead.

P.S. Skirt is a size 10 and coat a size 12. Even my bountiful bazongas are shrinking!